Chapter Two

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    “Mignonette how long has it been?” the man, Jacques asked her.

“Two or three years I think, it’s been so long since…” “Mignonette, have you found a publisher yet? If not I think I could help.” Jacques offered smiling.

 “Yes, and also the name’s Eliza.” She said laughing. “Alright, but which publisher by the way?” he inquired curiously.

 “Collins and Spencer Publishing, actually I thought-“ “Mignonette! You must be joking! People there work you to the ground, they would rather see you die after finishing your story! Merde is what I call those kind!” Jacques exclaimed clutching his head. “What? But they were so nice…” She had to stop because she remembered her boss hadn’t been so good to her.

 “Oh no mignonette, not monsieur Collins he is harsh, he somewhat prefers to work as an editor rather act as a founder.” He said shaking his head.

 “But,… How does he look like? Does he have dark brown hair? Around 7”12?” “Bonté divine ma chère! Pourquoi avez-vous dû finir par travailler pour lui! "

 “Well it’s not, well no one would accept my art style you know and you know my preferences, I want a publishing company that’s okay with my drawings, not want me to change it! And besides maybe he’s a nice-“ She got cut off when she heard an aggressive voice shouting, “Come on man! Just give it!” When she turned her head around she saw a man yanking something from his hands, she looked more carefully and noticed that it’s his things. Wallet, cellphone, everything important.

“Oh for goodness’ sake! Why’d his bag have to be translucent?” she said in exasperation, she hurried off onto the road and tapped the robber’s shoulder “Hey bub, think you have somethin’ that don’t belong to ya.”

 “Oh yeah? And what’s that li’l missy?”

 he said laughing, then when he turned around the last thing he saw was her fist hitting his eye “Gah! What did you do to my eye?” the man shouted angrily, as he started punching at nothing he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder “Hey over here, don’t punch at nothing.” She said, and then he suddenly felt a sharp and searing pain on his leg, “Ah! Little bastard just stabbed me!” he said as he checked at his leg with one eye closed.

 “No, don’t worry I didn’t stab ya.” She said with a tone of satisfaction “I only gave you a poison that will mess with your body, made it myself too. Now you stay put till the police comes ‘kay?” she said giving a short laugh.

     Later that night, when the police finally arrived, “Well now Alabaster, I did not expect you to be here when I got robbed, but rest assured that I was handling that well.” Her boss, Collins said rather stiffly.

 “Yeah, sure you were boss, sure you were.” She said laughing again. “Do you not get tired of laughing?” he said glaring at her.

 “No of course not, anyway it’s gettin’ late so I gotta skedaddle. Bye!” she said running.

 “Wait! Do you have means of transportation on your way home?” he asked with a straight face.

 “Well, yeah! It’s that!” she said pointing to a very-old looking Moped.

 “A beauty ain’t she?” she said rather proudly.

 “W-well of course.” Collins said swallowing his disgust. “But I would really advice you to use my car.” He said looking doubtfully at the moped.

 “No don’t worry I’ll manage.” She said smiling.

 “Alright then, I shall just go.” He said rather awkwardly, just as when he got in his car he heard loud revving and then suddenly he saw her drive past him with her moped. “What? You seriously think that my bike is really that slow?” she shouted laughing. As he drove home he was puzzled on how a girl like her could stay so optimistic.

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