I'm restarting the story.

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this is the first part of the story, i have learned how to type better. i wanted to restart and make this more enjoyable, I'm not exactly restarting though. I'm just fixing it up.

Ben POV!

jeff, my older brother is yelling at me. i was joking around and he didn't like that. i called him useless and now he's mad.

"jeff. . I'm sorry. . " i mumbled so quietly he didn't even hear me.

'WHAT WAS THAT BEN?!' he continued yelling.

"i said, I'M SORRY!" i yelled back. i was shocked at myself and i wanted to apologize for yelling at him. but i wasn't exactly happy with being yelled at. then i saw him raise his hand like he was going to hit me.

'DO. NOT. RAISE. YOUR. VOICE. AT. ME. BEN. DROWNED.' he yelled you could see it in his eyes he was mad.

then it hit me, well he hit me. Jeff slapped me on the cheek, hard. i started tearing up and ran out of Jeff's room and straight into mine. where i flopped down onto my bed and cried into my pillow.

i layed there for a while and jeff walked in, he was crying with a slap mark on his face. i looked at him and got up and i hugged him. why? because he's basically my brother and seeing him cry hurts me.

"jeff? what happened? " i said as i let go of him and l looked up at him, he was alot taller than me. i only really go up to his neck.

'well. . . slenderman found out i hit you and he was mad. he slapped me. . . ' my older brother said to me as i looked at him. he was calming down.

"now you know how i felt. . . " i mumbled under my breath.

'ben! that's just rude! I'm sorry i feel bad for hitting you!' jeff said. he was looking more upset and he was guilty, i saw it in his eyes.

"i know. . . " i said flopping back down on my bed and just sitting there looking at Jeff. he came and sat with me and leaned on me.

we started cuddling (as brothers) and soon he fell asleep. i looked at him and fell asleep myself.

{the next day}

(still Ben's pov)

i woke up and jeff was gone. that's normal though. i got on my computer and continued with my lore. i sent an e-mail to Eyeless-Jack. he responded and said he heard crying. he was staying with us, and slenderman and the other Creepy-Pastas. he said it was coming from Jeff's room.

i got up and walked to Jeff's room and walked inside. Jeff was in the middle of the floor crying. i could tell he was having a panic attack. i quickly sat down next to him.

i started running my fingers through his long hair, something that always comforts him. he started calming down a bit.

when he finally stopped crying i stood up. i reached my arm down and helped him up. he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

'thank you. . . . ' i heard him mumble

" what do you mean? "

'you comforted me. .'

"of course i did. "

'why though? '

"you're my brother!"

'. . . thank you, again. '

"it's no problem"

and with that Jeff layed down on his bed and i walked out of the room. went to my room and layed down on my bed. i continued working on Creepy-Pastas and shooting texts on my phone, until i fell asleep texting Jason-The-Toymaker.

// sorry it's not the longest chapter,  \\
//to be honest i worked on it for over\\
//a day.                                                       \\

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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