A View

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Hold on, hold on
We've got one more place we can go
Hold on, hold on, it's okay
This empty space is liminal
There's no need for one so cynical
'Least not when our eyes fall on this view
Our one last new...

Now shape, grow and mould 'round this melting horizon
It's shade, melding hue, forming all forward view
It's confused, swirling, sliding; ah, it's transient
This you knew, 'least you do when unthinking

But it's you; swirling mass, filling hue, a world view
But you know where this goes
Watch in wonder, soft'ning madness
'Til you find an impression in that dancing sunset

Let it spill over with softening shade, delirious hue
Crawling on your belly, licking up residual dew
That feeling, unthinking omnipotence looming over you
That primordial dance of dusk spilling through

Thus, in moments of clarity, psychosis reigns
Rejecting all signs of vitality coursing your veins
Ending this one last candescent view
That altering sunset has come to break down and undo

Watch its convulsing mass come to rip you one new
This reminiscent insight has come to remind you
It never even mattered; this you always knew
But there's one more chance to shape from this a true world view

You just have to hold on, this one last time
(And be sure you can do it all again and again and again and--)
Just hold on, you got this, you've done it all before
Walk this horizon, fall like the setting sun
Just hold on to this swirling mass of hue
This empty space is only liminal
Just hold on, hold on, hold on
Maintain this view and rise anew
Maintain this view and you might just rise anew

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