Chapter 10

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Tw sickness hospital u know Y/N POV///////////////////////////////////////

It was the day of the date park I'm excited, if I'm gonna be honest a bit nervous, this is the first time a boy has had any interest in me in these way, and it's not just any boy is Tommy he is just perfect, his eyes are the prettiest shade of blue it's even prettier then the sky reflected on the ocean, his smile could make all the world smile with him, but when he smiles because of me I feel like the world is spinning, his hair is so perfect it's the most beautiful shade of blonde and falls perfectly into place like dominos, he is just perfect I really don't deserve him.
While I was thinking and getting lost in my mind I heard a notification someone texted me

Tommy :)
Ready for today be there in about an hour probs

Y/n <3
Ofc see you

I was totally not ready I quickly rushed to the restroom did all of what I had to do and got dressed even did my makeup (imagine what u would like).
I think I look good I just hope Tommy likes it, I don't know if I over did it I hope not.

TOMMY POV///////////////////////////////////

"Alright I'm ready", I said as I went down the stairs,
"You look good toms" , Will said while smiling,
"Good luck hun",said my mum with a tear in her eye,
"Muuuum are u crying?", I said in response of seeing her,
"Ur growing so fast",she responded,
"Okay okay, I'm going now I'll pass for the flowers see u Wilbur and thank u, see u mum", I replied,
"No problem Tommy",Will said while I left,

Okay now to buy flowers.

I went to a small corner flower shop and saw an old lady in the register I headed to see if they had lilies, she likes those.
"Hello miss", I said while smiling,
"Oh, hello young man, how can I help you?, they said while smiling, they looked really sweet,
"Um yes do you have any lilies I could buy", I answered,
"Of course,they are on that shelf", they said while pointing at a shelf near,
"Thank you", I said while heading to the shelf, I ended up picking the ones I thought y/n would like more

"Hello miss", I said while smiling,"Oh, hello young man, how can I help you?, they said while smiling, they looked really sweet,"Um yes do you have any lilies I could buy", I answered,"Of course,they are on that shelf", they said while pointing at...

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I brought them to the register and the lady wrapped them in brown paper with a bow,
"Is this for your girlfriend?",they asked me,
"Well almost I hope", I said while scratching my neck,
"Good luck I'm sure she'll like them", they said while handing them to me,
After I payed I went back to my car and headed to the hospital.

Time skip to the hospital /////////////////////

I arrived and texted y/n I was there, I was waiting sitting on a chair when I heard my name being called,
"Tommy!", y/n said while running to me,
She looked gorgeous somehow she always gives me the feeling of my world spinning and she is the only thing that matters everything else is blurry and unimportant when I'm with her.
And then I felt a hands around my stomach and a face in my chest.
She was hugging me.
I hugged her back and smiled so wide my cheeks were hurting, she then let go and I decided to hold her hand,
"Ready to go love?", I asked her, she blushed at the nickname but to be honest, I was probably blushing like crazy.
We walked to my car I opened the door for her and she got in and then I got in the driver's seat,
"Here", I said while reaching the back seat for the flowers I brought her,
"For you",I said while smiling,
"Oh Tommy you didn't have to, they are beautiful you know I love lilies, thank you!", she told me while smiling so bright , the warm sun hitting her face making her hair and eyes shown brighter, I quickly without her noticing ,because, she was looking at the flowers, I took out my phone and took a picture of her and the "click "sounded,
She turned to face me and saw me with my phone is my hand,
"Did you just took a photo of me?", she said while smiling,
I turned more red then I probably was,
"Well I , I mean you just look really pretty while looking at the flowers the lighting is perfect and I didn't want to forget how this moment looked", I was about to start rambling again when she stopped me,
"Tommy is alright that is really sweet", she said while smiling really wide her cheeks were pink, she is beautiful.
"Shall we go then ?", I asked while putting my seatbelt on and putting my hand on the steering wheel,
"Of course",she said while also putting her seat belt on and admiring the beautiful flowers,
The thing that she doesn't realize is that she can admire flowers all day and I can admire her the whole day, y/n my sunshine.

Y/N POV///////////////////////////////////////

I heard a notification on my phone I quickly picked it, "he is here", I told myself,
I put on my oxygen as quickly as possible and ran out of my room and ran to the waiting area and I saw him sitting down on a chair,
"Tommy!", I screamed while running to him, he is so pretty, the hospital light and atmosphere is so cold and white ,but Tommy somehow makes all that is around him warm and sunny.
He stood up and I hugged him, he almost instantly hugged me back, I let go and I see his face he is blushing and is smiling widely, oh his smile that I love, he held my hand and I'm pretty sure I'm red as a strawberry,
"Ready to go love?", he asked, I probably blushed more if he keeps being this nice I'm going to end up with my ears red.
We walked to his car hand in hand, I admired every part of his face his eyes beautiful, his lips perfect, his pretty nose, we stopped at the car and he opened the door for me, this man keeps getting better,
We got in the car and he reached for something from his backseat,
"Here", he said while handing me a beautiful bouquet of lilies, "for you", he told me while smiling,
"Oh Tommy you didn't have to, they are beautiful you know I love lilies, thank you!", I told him while smiling widely I was so happy he remembered I liked lilies.
I admired the flowers seeing all the beautiful petals and leaves the colors matching perfectly, every flower reminded me of him, I love seeing flowers but I will only see them this closely if they are from Tommy.
I was too busy seeing the flowers and then I heard a sound a "click" sound, I turned my head to see him, I saw him with his phone on his hand,
"Did you just took a photo of me?",I said while smiling so he didn't think I was mad,
He turned pink and started talking he had a bit of a worried look on his face,
"Well I , I mean you just look really pretty while looking at the flowers the lighting is perfect and I didn't want to forget how this moment looked", He told me, he was about to start rambling again when I stopped him,
"Tommy is alright that is really sweet", I said while smiling, he is so perfect, the most beautiful boy I had ever meet.
"Shall we go then?",he asked while putting his hands on the steering wheel,
"Of course",I replied, I looked at the flowers once again.
Tommy my sunshine.

You are my sunshine / tommyinnitxreader Where stories live. Discover now