Chapter 1

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I stare off into the two-floor white house, "BAH!" Abigail yells whilst grabbing my shoulders. "AH, JEEZ! ABIGAIL! DON'T DO THAT! " I yell, taking her hands off me. Abigail runs off to the house laughing, "Hailey! Get your bags and go unpack!" Mom yells from the other side of the car,"Okay mom!" I go to the truck and feel a hand on my head, "hey kiddo how do you like the house so far?" My older brother Alen said while grabbing mom and Abigail's bag "it's fine looks a bit creepy though" Alen laughs "you'll get used to it" he pats my head before leaving "I guess..." I whisper I grab my bags and close the trunk sighs "oh well.." looks at the house than to the next-door neighbor's house For then I see a man and woman standing no reaction just standing I speed walk to the porch and look back to see them still staring I rush inside closing the door behind me "weirdos.." I murmur asI walk upstairs and yell "Which is my room?!" No response I yell again "which one is my ro-" I got interrupted by a door opening "huh? What the..?" I walk to the room and as I was about to open the door more than mom opened the door before I did "oh hey Hailey your room is right here" mom said walking out of the room with a box in her hands "oh okay mom thanks" I smile at her "Mom! Do you need help??" Alen says coming up the stairs "no sweetie I'm good thank you though" mom said walking past him "okay mom" Alen said following him, I walk into my room and look around "not bad" I put my bags down and get my sleeping bag out getting it ready then I walk downstairs "Hey Abby" I say walking down "Hey Hailey" Abigail said walking upstairs "weird.." I go to the kitchen seeing mom on the phone and my brother next to her, "what happened?" I say whispering to my brother "she's ordering food" Alen whispered "oh okay" I said walking to the water packs grabbing a water bottle "okay thank you the pizza has been ordered" mom says putting the phone down "okay mom" Alen says I take a sip of my water then reclose the bottle, and put it on the counter "I heard that the neighbors had a girl your age" my mom said "and a boy~" Alen said teasingly "oh stop teasing your sister" mom said chuckling "but he's not wrong.." mom said in a hushed voice but clear enough to hear "Mom!" I said while Alen was laughing "ugh I'm going outside to check out the backyard" I said grabbing my water bottle "take your sister with you and don't stay out late it's going to get dark soon!" Mom said before I left the room, "Okay mom!" I yell back then text my sister I waited for 2 minutes then go to the living room to look around "nothing Of course" I go on my phone for 4 more minutes till I hear footsteps coming down the stairs "jeez, finally" I whisper then suddenly I hear a thump and the footsteps stop I quickly run to the stairs and see that no one is there "what..? No one is here, I swear I heard something..." I look up and down at the stairs then I feel slow raspy breathing on my neck I quickly flip around and see no one "what he-" I was interrupted by my sister yelling down the stairs "I'M GOING SORRY I TOOK LONG!" I take one look before turning around "oh it's fine to let's go outside now" I take her wrist and pull her outside trying to forget "Woah Abby, slow down," Abigail said before we go outside. I take one more look at the bottom of the stairs then go outside. Abby's eyes light up. "Hailey! Look! A treehouse!" Abby pulls my wrist this time and towards the treehouse, "wow! Look! Looks brand new too!!" Abigail goes up the ladder nailed to the tree and I immediately pull her off as soon as I did the ladder broke, "careful! You can get hurt! The ladder isn't stable by the way the wood looks, and I were right!" I yelled at her then noticed it was turning dark I sigh and look at Abby who is quiet as a mouse "sorry just be careful this time" I said "it's fine I will be more careful" she said looking down "good now let's go inside it's getting dark" she nods, and we walk inside "oh girls! Just in time pizza is here" Alen said holding three boxes of pizza then walking to the dining table where mom is already sitting with a white plate in front of four chairs Alen puts the pizzas in the middle of the table and starts to put a pizza on each plate once Abigail and I sat down we all start eating and Abigail rants on and on about the treehouse "we can fix it up when we get settled in Abby" Alen says before taking a bite of pizza "Okay!" Abby shoves her last bite and swallows, "mmm! Yummy thanks' mom! I'm going to my room now!" She runs up to her room. Mom smiles as I take the last bite of my pizza "I'm done mom, may I excuse myself?" I ask politely, "yeah, go ahead and get ready for bed! Goodnight love you" mom says then talks to Alen "love you too mom" I say before I leave I go upstairs and into my room closing my door shut I go grab my pajamas and change into them, then go to brush my teeth "Hey Hailey?" My sister comes into the room. "Do you have any toothpaste? I ran out of mine" she said coming into the bathroom I nod and hand her the toothpaste "thanks Hailey" she walks out of the room I finish brushing my teeth then head out of the bathroom leaving the door open and the lights on before I head to bed my brother comes in "hey everything okay?" He asked, looking worried. "Yeah? Why?" I asked walking to him "nothing, I just heard someone scream and anot- never mind" he smiles then leaves "weirdo" I mumble then walk off to my sleeping bag and head to bed Suddenly I wake up at 1 in the morning to some noises in the hall I grab my phone and check the time *1:45?* I think to myself as I turn on my phones flashlight and walk to the door opening it slowly before I walk out I flash my light into the hall making sure there is nothing there Once I see that there is nothing I go out the room slowly and hear things moving in what sound like the kitchen I slowly walk down the hall to the stairs and point my flashlight down at the bottom of the stairs....*nothing.* I think to myself then walk down the stairs slowly I immediately stop when I hear footsteps decead I point my flashlight to where I hear the footsteps and nothing I keep walking down the stairs and turn to the kitchen to see lights in the kitchen I feel more relieved and pick up my pace I turn off my flashlight and walk to the kitchen seeing my brother in the kitchen opening a bottle of water I sigh in relief "hey Alen" I say going into the kitchen "oh hi Hailey what are you doing up?" He says turning around. "I heard some noises, and came down, soooo yeah," I said, looking up at him. "Aren't you brave, but don't do that next time, okay?" He said ruffling my hair "okay okay" I say to him walking to the counter "well I'm going back to my bed go to bed soon alright kid?" Alen says while I grab a piece of leftover pizza and take a bite "mhm" I muffle with pizza in my mouth Alen leaves the kitchen and I hear his footsteps decead from the kitchen then go upstairs I keep eating the pizza till I hear someone whispering but not from upstairs it was coming from downstairs almost like it was in the living room not in the living room..more like...right behind me..?!

The New HouseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin