Amity vores Luz - Chapter 1

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It was a rather boring day on the Boiling Isles,
Luz decided she wanted to go to the Knee and explore with Amity.

"Amity!" Luz shouted, looking at the ground.

"What is it Luz?" Amity answered,running towards her friend, she was spooked when she spotted the weird substance, suddenly it clicked.

"Luz! It's a potent venom from a Marsh Stalker" Amity shouted in a startled tone, "they are known to spit burning toxins on its preys legs and eat it alive, they are pretty rare"

Just as they were talking about it, a monster lurked in the undergrowth, it tried to bite Luz but got kicked in the process

They both ran towards a small cave, the walls have jagged stones and weird creatures

They had been awkwardly quiet after the monster attacked, both pretty shaken up

They watched it crawl around sniffing the rocks, Amity snapped her head to look at Luz who looked shocked

"I have an idea just trust me and you'll be fine" she whispered into her ear

Amity then made a circle and cast it onto Luz

After the tingling feeling Luz looked down and felt small she looked up at Amity calling her name

"Amity! Why did you shrink me" she yelled quietly

"It's the only way too hide you" Amity responded, picking Luz up

"Just promise you won't freak out" she commented

"I promise" Luz shouted quietly

Amity opened her mouth shoving Luz in, she could feel Luz shaking in fear

"Amity! What are you doing?!" She asked in fear, trying to scramble to her teeth

Sadly Amity couldn't respond her mouth was to full for her to talk.

Luz tasted... like strawberries and ice cream with a hint of chocolate syrup.

Amity flipped Luz around in her mouth, realizing how much she was drooling. She tilted her head back, startling the small girl in her mouth

Luz was panicking even more as she slid closer to her friend's throat, her legs got stuck and she was pulled deeper by the throat muscles.

Amity swallowed again and again pulling her friend farther down, she swallowed one last time getting Luz down fully. She almost forgot  to cast a protection spell onto Luz, so she drew a circle in the air.


To be continued!
This is actually pretty good compared to the other ones, but also very short(•ˋ _ ˊ•)

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