Chapter 45

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Jared's P.O.V.

a/n: i admit, jared wasn't originally supposed to be the way he was
so i'll do him a bit of justice here with a deleted scene

I had traveled down to America- no, not here for stalking Ranboo. I was here to visit an old school friend of mine, for a small favor. No, I wasn't being stalkerish if I somehow managed to stumble across Lyra and Ranboo walking into a restaurant and proceeding to stare at them for a good ten minutes as they talked and laughed at each other's jokes.

I admit it, I fucked up. I got caught in my own greed. I was envious of his job, like who wants to work at one of the twenty-nine Taco Bells Great Britain has to offer for the rest of their laboring lives? Taco Bell is amazing, don't get me wrong, but my supervisor is the worst person I have ever seen.

He's beyond the retirement age for sure and walks around like he owns the place. He critics me for not closing up the store properly with a few other employees, yet doesn't even give us the time and space to do so. She stands over our shoulders as we work- if I continued, I'd end up getting ticked off. I'll stop.

I could barely make out the two figures sitting in the back corner of the shop through the windows that desperately needed cleaning due to all the water spots from the rain this week.

From the way I could see, it looked private and secluded, and his arms were around her shoulder in a comforting and safe manner. They were sharing a drink as they waited for their main course.

Now it was back to her. Back to her to laugh at his amusingly-not-funny-yet-still-somehow-funny jokes. Back to her to lean on his broad shoulders. Back to her to get to run her hand through his tousled hair.

I held back the urge to go in and apologize, but no, I'll do it some other day. It was their night, and I didn't want to ruin it as I had done so before. 

As I watched their conversation, their little flirtatious nudges, and exchanged smiles, I had to reluctantly admit that she's perfect for him- kind and gentle, sweet and soft, sarcastic and serious at the same time. A perfect match for his personality.

I looked up when I felt a droplet of water fall on my cheek. It was raining, something Ranboo had come to enjoy, especially after Lyra had admitted to him that she found it calming. As I hear from Ranboo's constant rants to me, they spent a lot of time together in a small room when it rained, being memories as they went.

I took one last glance, seeing Lyra playfully punch his shoulder as Ranboo laughed, and then left.

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