Bloody Mary

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As Dean was finishing his breakfast, Cas was getting ready for the day. And Sam was doing the dishes, making sure to clean up before he annoucned the new case he found late last night. Once Cas and Dean were both ready, they made their way to the living room. "Good morning, Jerk" Sam said, smiling. Dean nodded and replied "Good morning, bitch," he said, sitting down at the table. Cas sat down next to Dean, eager to listen to the case Sam found. "Ok, so. A man was found dead in his bathroom, and police say that the faucet was running and there were candles on the counter" Sam said, clicking on his mouse. 

Dean was intruiged, interested to find out what happened. "So I did some research and apparently people have been doing the Bloody Mary challenge. The game is actually a ritual to summon a woman by the name of Mary. The legend says that if you chant her name a specific amount of times and if the ritual is performed correctly, she will do one of three things: she might appear in the mirror, reach out of the mirror and scratch the person's face, or be released from the afterlife to haunt him or her forever. Other versions of the story being that the hair turns white, blood dripping from the mirror, or the person disappearing without a trace" Sam concluded. The boys fell silent, nobody said anything. "So, the body was left there?" Dean asked. Sam nodded, but Dean began to think. "They say the man's face was scratched, and the candles started a fire. Police say that the fire is how he died, but he was already dead before the fire even started" Sam said, confused.

"She must have striked before her chance was gone" Dean stated. Sam  was doing some more typing. Cas was silent, he still didn't understand humans, hence being an angel. "Well, alot of people have died from this challenge, because according to the legend, Mary was convicted of many murders on young girls so she could bathe in thier blood" Sam stated. Dean made a face "Well, that's gross, Sammy" Dean said. "She was also executed in the Salem Witch trials, so I guess she rose from the afterlife to wreck havoc on the living for what they did to her" Sam stated. Dean tried to figure out the connections, but he knew his brother was smarter in that department. "So, get this. The location of the man's house is in Indiana." sam said, getting up. Dean and Cas soon followed, making sure to get the equipment to get the job done. Sam tossed Dean the keys to the Impala, and the boys headed out the door of the bunker to Indiana. 

They drove for five hours, which wasn't that much considering their last hunt in Virgina. "Any other murders since then?" Dean asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "There were three murders before this one. Two girls and one boy" Sam replied. Dean tighted his grip on the steering wheel. "Two were children, and one was an adult" Sam concluded. Cas was tilting his head, with a confused expression on his face. "So, what do we do?" Cas asked. "We try to stop this entity from doing any more damage" Sam replied. Five hours later, the boys arrived in Indiana. The boys filed out of the car and headed to the house where there were police men around the front lawn. "Just follow my lead," Dean said, walking casually up to the porch. The sheriff was signing some papers, he turned his head and saw the boys. "Sir you can't be here, this is an active crime scene" he said. "I'm Agent Johnson, these are my partners Agent Spears and Agent John" Dean said, hodling up his fake FBI badge. 

"Alright, right this way" the Sheriff said, lifting the caution tape. The boys walked into the house, everything seemed normal, except for the bathroom, which looked like a murder scene. Quite literally. "This is Allan Ford, a well known man in this town" he said. "He was a good man, but he was going through a divorce with his ex wife Maddy," he continued. "Do you think he did this to himself?" Dean asked, looking down at the body. Sheriff Dan shrugged, "Well, its a possibility, but we dont know for sure if that's what happened" Dan replied. Dean began to analyze the scene, there was too muh damage for this to be a suicide, he knew Mary had gotten him. "Well you let us know if anything else comes up" Dean said, handing Sheriff Dan hiscard with his fake name and number on it. "Thanks, I will" he replied. 

The boys headed out of the house. "Now, I say we go back after they leave and try to figure out how to stop this bitch" Dean said, looking at Sam and Cas. They agreed. There had to be a way to exercise the entity, and to save many lives from being lost. But would she strike again? And when? The boys had no clue if or when she would strike, all they knew was that she was roaming the town of Indiana. "Alright, let's get a hotel and be ready by 10pm" Sam said as they made their way to the Impala. they drove for about 10 minutes, and found a hotel. Once they got their room, the boys settled in and waited for dusk. "Dean, could you take a look at this. They released Allan's autopsy report this afternoon. It says here that the scratches on his face, had traces of sulfur" Sam said. Dean looked closer at the image. "Maybe there's more than just Bloody Mary. Maybe there is a demon doing her dirty work," Dean stated. There was only one thing to do. Figure out not only how to stop Mary, but figure out who the demon behind all of this is........

(That is all I'm gioing to do for this part. I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while I was having a mental health break and focusing on my school work. More will be out either later today or sometime tomorrow afternoon. Thank you all for being so kind and patient!! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more stories like this one. Please leave a comment below of any suggestions you may have for a future story!)


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