(Prologue Story) "Little Genius"

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(This is an introduction story for Furr the Fox.) 

(I thought I already put this here before but I only shared it on IG. So I'm gonna put this here as a sort of archive. And as you can tell, the writing style is different from my recent stories, so I modified it a bit.) (Also, this is an old story, the first one to be written in fact.) (Above is a WIP of what his home looks like.)

(Set back in the beginning, when Bony was still starting to venture on her own.)

It was a rainy day.

Bony got kicked out of the apartment for not paying for the rent in time. Some patience am I right? Her first stay there was free since Sonic paid for it, after being with "The resistance" for a while they knew they had to part ways. The free stay was no problem but struggling to earn something to pay for the rent she suddenly got. She thinks that it's reasonable, but such bad timing.

B: Great, now where am I gonna live? If this warp ring can bring me back to my actual home, I'll be sleeping in my bed right now.

Hmm... I don't really know anybody in this place except....

(Blake the Wolf's cave)

"Blake! Blake!"

Bl: "Why are you back here again?!"

B: "Can I stay here for a few days or at least when the rain stops?"

Bl: "Why?"

B: "Well....I got kicked out where I was temporarily living and...."

Bl: "You think we're now buddy buddies and just let you enter my cave like that?!"

B: "Well....we are friends right?"


"No. Now get lost kid."

Bony walked through the forest angrily, as the rain kept getting stronger, a bolt of lightning crashed somewhere far.

B: "Man, it's getting scary and cold right now."

Then at a glimpse, she saw another lightning strike at the same spot.

B: "Lightnings can't just strike like that unless... *Gasp* someone got hit!"

She ran straight where the bolts of lightning kept crashing and then she discovered... An antenna? She sees a huge white tent in front of a warehouse and inside the tent is a silhouette of a tiny fox.

B: "Tails? It can't be...wait, it has one tail, Tail???"

The ear of the fox wiggled as he heard a rustle of a bush. Bony knows that he noticed her and immediately dropped down to hide. The fox walked closer to where he heard the rustling, holding a laser gun of some sort.


B:"AH!!! I'M NOT REPORTING ANYTHING TO ANYONE!!! I'm just snooping coz it's interesting! Please don't shoot!"

F: "Oh, a traveler?"

B: "Well, you could say that. I'm just looking for a place to stay for a while, until the rain stops."

F: "I wouldn't mind helping someone in need. You could stay at my home for tonight."

B: "Really?! Thank you." bowing repetitively

(The warehouse/ Furr's place)

B: "Wow! This place is amazing! You live here??"

F: "Uh yeah, I kinda live alone but it's nice to have visitors."

A Sonic OC Story: Zircon ArcWhere stories live. Discover now