The Dark Side of Celebi

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A beautiful clear blue skied morning was waiting for them when they woke up. The crew packed up their camp and hurried to get on their way. Ash couldn't wait to see what else the amazing Celebi might show them today. Everyone hiked happily through the forest as Celebi flitted around them in the air.

"Well, the village is really close now," Ash said.

Without warning, a long metal claw reached out from the forest trees and grabbed Celebi. She quickly dodged the claw in alarm and flew away from it. Ash, Brock, Misty, and Sam were surrounded and the Iron Masked Marauder and Team Rocket were inches from Celebi. The three foolish villains held some nets to capture the small Pokemon.

"Thought you'd gotten rid of us, didn't you, twerps?" Jessie retorted.

"But Team Rocket doesn't give up so easily!" James said.

"Not you again," Ash groaned. They were surrounded, and there was no escape for them now. They need to fight their way out.

"All right," Meowth hissed. "We ain't leaving without that Celebi."

Pikachu threw everything he had into attacking the machine. But it had no effect. The machine stepped into the clearing, swinging its long legs through the forest growth. It cut down enormous old trees and destroyed everything in its path. Celebi had nowhere to hide. The Iron Masked Marauder's laughter rang out loud above the chaos. Then a red claw at the end of a long arm reached out from the evil machine. It whipped through the madness and grabbed Celebi. The fairy was locked in its grip, struggling wildly to free herself.

"Celebi!" Sam cried.

"This ought to calm you down," roared the Iron Masked Marauder. He threw a switch and Celebi's cage lit up with an electric shock. Celebi screamed in pain as sparks crack around her. Her screaming has died until her eyes close. When it stopped, Celebi was stunned and still. He grabbed the limp fairy and threw her into the air followed by a Dark Ball. "Dark Ball, go!" the man ordered. Sam and Ash watched in horror as the poor Celebi disappeared into the terrible Dark Ball. "Celebi is mine..." boasted the Iron Masked Marauder.

Ash never felt so angry. He let out a war cry and hurled himself toward the machine. He scaled the long legs up to where the man held Celebi in the Dark Ball. "Let her go!" he screamed.

"Stupid kids," hissed the Iron Masked Marauder. All at once, a flock of Pidgeys swooped down and attacked him. By the time, Ash reached the platform and leaped onto the Iron Masked Marauder's back, he tried to throw him off, but Ash held strong. During the struggle, the Iron Masked Marauder knocked onto a control panel, and the machine began to swerve and weave through the forest. Finally, it lurched so far that Ash went flying through the air and landed on the hard ground. He was in serious pain, but he held the Dark Ball with all his might.

"Don't worry. I got ya," he uttered to Celebi, weakly.

"I think that Dark Ball belongs to me," The Iron Masked Marauder roared. His boot came down hard on Ash's hand. Ash fought not to give in to the pain. But the evil man pressed harder and harder, crushing Ash's fingers between the Dark Ball and his boot.

Ash held on until the pain became so great that he fell unconscious. The Iron Masked Marauder grabbed Celebi.

"Ash!" Sam cried. The Pokemon gathered along with Ash's friends. They looked at Ash lying still and then they turned to the Iron Masked Marauder. They looked very angry. They wanted Celebi free. But unfortunately, the Iron Masked Marauder didn't.

"Do you want to save this Celebi?  Don't waste your time," hissed the Iron Masked Marauder to the Pokemon. "It's too late to save your friend. Because the sweet little Pokemon you used to know doesn't exist anymore. Here, see for yourself!" He hurled the Dark Ball into the air and called, "Celebi, get rid of them all!"

Celebi appeared from within the ball. She hung in midair as it formed a rippling energy field. Her appearance changed. Her green skin was pale like a ghost. Her eyes are now slit black and she is no longer in her own control. Within a second or two, that energy field screamed through the air. It slammed everything in her path. Some Pokemon went flying backward. Those could run for their lives. Sam could only cover his eyes as the little fairy destroyed the forest she was supposed to protect.

Jessie, James and Meowth came out from their hiding place, very worried.

"I don't understand," Jessie said with doubt.

"If Celebi's different, I'd hate to see their enemies," Meowth whimpered.

"Excellent. You're very strong, Celebi," thundered the Iron Masked Marauder. "Now show me even more of your power!"

Celebi began to send energy blasts in every direction. The air filled with dirt and debris. The branches and wood from the destroyed trees began to swirl in the air. Celebi used more and more of her power to lift every bit of wood off the ground and spin it in a wild circle around herself. "With a Pokemon like you, no one will ever stop me!" laughed the Iron Masked Marauder.

"Celebi," Sam moaned, watching Celebi destroy. The wood spun faster and faster until it formed a nest that seemed nearly alive. Celebi hid herself away in the center of the creation. The nest continued to spin, creating its own life force.

"Celebi's building a nasty nest," James cried. "Isn't this a bit much?"

It's pull was so strong that Jessie was swept up into the air. She tried to hold onto the stump but her grip was loosened and she disappeared inside the nest.

Celebi: Voice of the Forest [Pokemon 4Ever Novel] 20th anniversary bookWhere stories live. Discover now