I found a new friend

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Seen out side of the hospital

No one's POV
It was the same dark night as always but you can hear some sounds of kids running around to get to different place or running from what ever monster is lurking in the pale city , there's isn't much to do as a small little kid in a world of nightmares but seems like 2 brothers seem to brave the streets of the city in searching of something " uggh I told you I don't wanna keep going" on of the brothers said " I have a partner to venture not with you" he said again " I know gus but one more walk through this bulling and you'll be free to go , you know last adventure" the older brothers said the younger one just nod and they both went through the vents system and finally found and the end to it but sadly the younger brothers fell down first " omg gus are you ok" the older brothers asked and jumped down " wait no don-" gusion was about to stop his brothers from dropping down because it was a long drop and they might not get out this was again " why did you jump now we can't get out from this was" gusion said mad and walked out the room they were and was stun for a second because there was a mannequin in front of him but it wasn't the ones that moved " well I had to what if you were in trouble you know something is living in here" aamon said and followed gusion out " shh wait do you hear that ?" Gusion asked as he was hearing a small music box playing a song " yea " and gusion just ran to the director of the song and left his brother behind " gusion wait " he ran after gusion right behind until they were meet with a huge metal door but it didn't had a lock " gusion come on lest get out of here you made to much noise" aamon called out for his brother but he didn't listen and open the door with a long bang and there was another kid trapped inside aamon got there late and looked inside and the kid was scarred as he moved to the back of the room where the light didn't reach " come on let's go " aamon said pulling on gusion's hand " wait there's a kid in there " gusion said walking in the room and went over to where the kid was and called out " hey it's ok don't worry we're the same" gusion said reaching out to the kid , the kid wasn't so sure but slowly oped up but didn't say a word aamon was just right behind them the kid was wearing a some what broken straitjacket that he's modified but just as the kid was about to hold gusion's hand some sounds could be hear from the ceiling " he's coming hurry " the new kid said as he pulled both of them to the some corner he was in and out him self in front of the light as they suspected the doctor came and took the new kid away " what was that we need to get him" gusion said " alright you go get help I'll go chases after him ,ok " aamon said gusion nod and they both went over to where they came from and aamon gave gusion a bust to get to the vent and now he was alone to find the new kid and ran to where the doctor was going but got no luck at first but soon hear some noises from one room and peeking his head in to see the doctor getting something from one of the tables and the new kid laying limp on the table using his skill that he got from the signal tower to make him self some what invisible and ran over to the new kid and picked him up and ran with him and hide under a table and tried to wake up the new kid shaking him talking to him a bit " hey wake up this is no time to sleep" aamon said but no answer there was the same sound from the celling could be head signaling the doctor has realize that his patient has gone missing and is now on the search aamon keep quiet to not have the doctor notice them but finely the kid's hand started to twitch a bit aamon was more than happy to see it so that they all can get out and he didn't had to carry him and soon the kid woke up and saw that he was no longer in his cell but now somewhere else with someone new and he moved away since he's not seen any one other than the doctor not knowing what this strange to him " listen I'm not here to hurt you were the same your a kid so am I" aamon said as the kid got a bit closer " we need to get out of here now so come on , ehm your name ? " aamon asked the kid took a second to answer trying to remember his name " em it's ... natan I think that's what I remember at less" natan said " ok what ever we need to get out of here I know the way out just follow me" aamon said and looked out of the table to see if the doctor was still there at first aamon was about to walk out alone but then natan took his hand and didn't say anything thing aamon was taken  back why would this kid some this much trust in him , they walked quietly thought he many many hallways until they they were close to the vent that aamon and gusion took but to bad the doctor was already there but didn't see them at first , as they walked pass the doctor aamon tripped over a pice of the floor marking a sound that alerted the doctor natan reacted quickly pulling aamon with him to his cell and pushing to the dark corner but there wasn't enough time for him to get to the corner but since natan had saved aamon and gusion earlier aamon went out and used his skill again draining him out of energy for a while to shield they both from the doctor's view and luckily the doctor didn't see them and left the room natan looked back and saw that neither of them was seen and looked over to aamon " hey come one he's gone let's go , aamon ?" natan called out aamon seem to be very weak at this point so natan had to drag him out quickly " hey em ,are you still awake talk to me so I can get us out of here" natan said again but Aamon didn't respond but just pointed to the left and natan followed where the corridor lead them to and where they walk pass the vent aamon points again at the vent as gusion arrived on time " hey over here " gusion called out natan looked over at where gusion was and dragged aamon quickly as he try  to get him to stand up and get to the vents but again luck wasn't on there side and the doctor came back for another check just as they got aamon in the vent natan use his skill that he gain from all the experience that he went through and moved time only for the doctor so that could by them more time but it seem like it also drained all of his energy but luckily aamon catch him just in time to pull him up in to the vent and make it save and sounds " well that's my last adventure with you now bye " gusion said and walking away " wait what about him ?" Aamon asked " idk make him your new partner to venture with" gusion said still walking until he was gone out of sight " so em what do you wanna do ?" Aamon asked natan looked around curious of this new place and rain " come on lest get out of here it's not save " aamon said pulling on natan's hand and they both walked in the cold rain to get some where that had at less something  to protect them from the rain

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