Come and find me

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Seen the school

No one's POV
It's not everyday you look at your old school and and thing to your self why am I coming back here but it seem to be for a pink haired kid she was a student of this once beautiful happy school but now it's just full of bully porcelain kids not to mention the teacher " oh ok , just one more time and I'll never come back here" said the girl as she throws her boomerang but something or something caught it  " hey give it back" she called out but the thing just ran away with it the creature was a small back ball of furry with a pare of horns then it went in side of the school the kid chased after it not knowing another girl with 2 colored hair was watching her and laughing the pink haired girl chased the thing in to the school and avoiding anything that would make a sound and a few traps that the porcelain kids put out and finely she caught up with the thing and tackled it to the ground talking her boomerang the one that it took , as she was about to leave she soon realized that she was lost and the little fur ball was trying to get her to play hide and seek " what is it I can't be playing hide and seek here " she asked but the little fur just keep doing what it was doing until finely the pink haired girl agreed in hopes it knows the way out of this school that she used to love but now hate so much . The little fur and the girl played hide and seek for a while until they meet a room that was well hidden from everything else the little fur jumped up and down in front of the door signaling that it wasn't to go inside the girl opens the door for it and the fur gave the girl a little push on the leg for its was for saying thank you and went in side " oh that was use less why did I follow it" the girl sight a bit to loud alerting some porcine kids to her place " oh god there coming what do I do" the girl panicked and and walked back to then door that the little fur went in but before she could get to the door it shut close trapping her out side with the now on there way porcelain kids ' oh this is bad I shouldn't have come here' she thought thinking this was her end she tried to find something to protect her self and found a hammer that was to big for her but she had no choice and broke a few porcelain kids head killing them maybe because they come back to life later soon it was to much for her she was again corners to the door but this time it open a little and a hand reached out pulling the pink haired girl in and shutting the door behind her but there was no one there the girl was confused on who pulled her in but thanks to who ever that was she was save but soon see some movements from the room she throw her boomerang to where she things it was coming from and it hit something since there was a small " ouch " from a far the girl came to where her boomerang landed and to see who it was and there was another kid that got hit in the head with her boomerang the girl had 2 colored hair and 2 pigtails and seem to be wearing one of the bully's outfit " who are you ?" The pink haired girl asked but the little fur came back and protect the girl " woo it's ok gloom, anyways I'm lylia, what's yours ?" Lylia answer " I'm nana and why did you little thing lore me here ?" Nana asked " oh gloom just likes to play and found you and wanted to play with you " lylia explained petting her gloom and getting up " ok I have no time for this I need to get out of here -" " wait there's an out side isn't it dangerous?" Lylia cut nana of " well yea but it's better I guess out there then here " nana said " well do you want to stay here with me , it gets lonely here with just me and gloom here and I can't keep playing hide and seek with gloom " Lylia said looking down on the floor while fiddling with her hand " well why don't you come with me instead out of here ?" Nana asked " I can't gloom can't leave this place and I can't leave gloom alone i owe my life to gloom " Lylia said hugging her gloom  " and why is that ?" Nana asked " it was not like other day I was captured by the teacher I was sure I was dead ,there but gloom came to help me and we have been hiding here and it's save" lylia said and gloom went over to nana and jumped around her " I mean I could but are you sure it's save" nana asked " yes definitely" lylia answer with no hesitation " well I'll stay for a while but I need to tell my friends first and I'll come back here " nana said lylia was more than delighted to have a new friend " we can be good friends indeed" Lylia said now pulling nana to giver a tour of the room that she has been hiding in , there was many thing on the wall on the floor and one thing particular caught mama's eyes " what is that ?" Nana asked as she went up to a table that had a stick with a purple light in it " oh that I found some parts in the school and made this magic septet " lylia said " but it doesn't do anything it's just that I like it a lot " Lylia continued . A few hours has pass by and sounds like the porcelain kids are not out of the door anymore " hey Lylia I'm gonna go and tell my friends that I'm going to stay here ok " nana said " you'll be back right ?" Lylia said with a slight hint of fear in her voice " yes I'll be back don't worry" nana said and took the map that Lylia draw early so she could get in and out " well I'll be back bye for now " nana said wavering to Lylia and Lylia waving back at her and with that nana was alone to travel the school alone to get in and out again with our getting spores by the porcelain kids

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