Chapter 21

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Haechan's POV

Mark Hyung is so sluggish when it comes to Taerin Noona that we have to basically compel him to take her out on a date with him.

Yes, we all thought of it as a date, with the exception of Mark Hyung, of course.

Renjun: they better have a great time or I'll be chocking some people for making me clean this smelly pee

Milk barked at Renjun, which Renjun gave her a look

Haechan: at least it's better than babysitting Chenle's loud ass

Jaemin: anyway where are the kiddos anyway?

Renjun: they are playing at Chenle's house

Jeno: without asking me to tag along?

Jeno asked in disbelief here goes the big baby sulking

The door suddenly opened and Milk ran to it, we all followed from behind to see who in the hell went inside

I was surprise to see Mark hyung along with Taerin noona from behind, he gave us a smile as well as noona

Renjun; your here?

Jaemin: and you are early

Haechan: don't tell me you two didn't bother to spend more time with each other

I questioned, they both grin widely before plopping on the couch, Milk went to Taerin noona and laid beside her

Taerin's POV

Mark and I decided to go to his place, well I insisted

I don't want to make Milk suffer under the boy's watch

Jeno: how was the date hyung?

Jeno questioned out of the blue, and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked at Mark and saw his face, and he seemed surprised and bashful because of the question, which was adorable.

Mark: i-it wasn't a date guys

Jaemin: if you say so, but to us it was a date

Renjun: noona, how was being with hyung all day?

Taerin: uh it was fine, we played in the arcade and had some food

I responded, trying not to make assumptions, as if I didn't see the value in Mark's wonderful gestures today; after all, I am only his soulmate.

Taerin: enough about me and mark, how was babysitting this cutie pie?

Haechan groaned and sigh plopping himself beside me

Haechan; never going to babysit Milk again

Haechan mumbled, I grinned and pat his head

Taerin: aw, you did a great job Hyuck
Haechan: I deserve that
Taerin: you all do, thank you for looking after Milk, I can take care of her today

I said, Mark looked at me as if he misheard what I just said

Taerin; I'll take milk with me today
Mark: are you sure?
Taerin: yeah, my family is out of town so I'll take milk
Mark: ill pack her stuff then

Mark said and went out of the room leaving me with the other boys

Renjun: now, tell us what happened to your date
Taerin: injun, I told you already we just played and have a good time, also it's not a date
Jaemin: then why do you sound sad?
Taerin: what do you mean Jaem

He smirked and went to me sitting to where mark sat before

Jaemin: you look disappointed with the fact it wasn't a date

He whispered, I look at him and bit my lips
Was I sad that it wasn't a date?

Haechan: see her face?
Taerin: what face Haechan?

I inquired, they all sighed, I swear they know something but just doesn't want to be direct with me

Haechan: you look sad and confused, like you are sad that it wasn't a date just like hyung said and you are confused why you feel sad when you both know that you two never made it official

I stared at Haechan's face, he made a sense, he always does

Haechan: say, do you like mark hyung?

I was speechless, I didn't know what to answer, infect I don't know what I feel towards mark

Jeno: you are happy when you are with hyung, you smile a lot than being with Renjun-
Renjun: whoa, why did I get involve

Renjun mumbled, I chuckled as I heard him saying that

Jeno: you like staring at hyung whenever he eats his watermelon, you like him more than you like us, and lastly you like him but you are just not sure because you think you are JUST a soulmate to his eyes

I was stunned when I Jeno said that, I didn't know this guy could read minds and feelings damn

Haechan: yea, whatever he said, so do you like Mark hyung?
Taerin: i-I don't know, maybe j-just a small crush?
Haechan: you got Jeno into making a damn speech and you say it is just a crush? Not even a CRUSH but just a SMALL CRUSH???

Haechan scoffed and shook his head in disbelief

Taerin: w-well, Mark is a great guy, very kind, gentleman, and he makes me feel comfortable, and I just don't want to assume things, so there is nothing wrong if I have a small crush on him, just making sure that-
Jaemin: that you wouldn't get hurt?

Jaemin butted in with a phrase that made me froze

Taerin: i-
Jaemin: noona, if you're concerned that you'll be hurt in the journey, that's natural; there is no love without suffering; love begins in pain, and you can't avoid it; being hurt sometimes makes you understand things and strengthens your relationship; that's why people vow to remain together for better or worse.

This is the first time Jaemin said something great and sentimental in front of me

Jaemin: please sort your feelings and don't let mark hyung wait for you

Jaemin said, I sighed but I look up and stare at him

Taerin: what do you mean wait for me?

I questioned, I am indeed a nerd for a reason, I use my head properly and this is the right time to use and process by what he meant mark is waiting for me

He smiled at me and raised his brows

Jaemin: I didn't say that
Taerin: you did, what do you mean by that?
Jaemin: you should get your ears checked noona ha-ha

He awkwardly chuckled making me so damn confused, I was going to pester him but then Mark went inside, with a small tote bag in his hands

He frowned when he saw me and Jaemin bickering but then he spoke

Mark: what's going on?


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