Chapter 3: The Horrible Deaths

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  They rushed cori inside and there was one doctor there, Krysten. Krysten tried her best to help him but they didn't have enough supplies to support him, so he died. They found a long, wooden casket, and he was placed in the attack. Joseph said,"I can't believe this happened." Cheyenne replied,"I know this is horrible, nothing like this should have ever happened.".

   "We should extend the camp to that other school down the road." Joseph said, "Well will that help?" Carmen asked. They extended the camp all the way past the school to the Blue Store. Two weeks later... Krysten, Sierra, and Samantha were at the Blue Store in the storage room, they heard a scream so they went outside to see what was happening."Oh my god!" Sierra yelled, there were six killers attacking the women. They ran over to help the woman. Sierra and Samantha were tore open, Krysten was tripped and was bitten on her foot. Joseph heard all of the comosion and came to see what was happening "What the crap!" he yelled. Joseph ran over to Krysten and cut her leg off, she passed out instantly. Krysten survived but now they had nine killers in the camp.

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