None But You Chapter 1 Part 1

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BEFORE Esme became Mrs Hanson at the age of twenty, she was in truth cheerful and innocent at heart, and had lived her entire life in a private family in the county of Suffolk. Upon marrying Mr Robert Hanson, a handsome gentleman who was the younger son of a rich noble family, Esme became mistress of one the most elegant houses in Bath and an access to a splendid fortune.

Now, after six years as Mrs Robert Hanson, she was indifferent to her husband. Fashion, the company of intimate friends and attending parties were her chief pleasure. Decking her person with diamonds, rubies and pearls bestowed upon her by her fashionable and splendid husband, and showing herself off at assemblies and balls seemed to occupy all her time and gratified all her wishes.

At six and twenty Esme was as beautiful as ever, as well greedy and easily dazzled by the brilliance of her situation while immersing herself in luxury and extravagance. She had no ambition in life other than for her lovely neck to display her newest of acquisition of diamonds at the Upper Rooms.

One afternoon saw Esme reclined leisurely upon the maroon coloured satin chaise-longue in the Boudoir that was attached to her bedroom. Present with her was her closet cronies. Lady Bryant, wife of Lord Bryant and Countess Bonthron, wife of the 3rd Earl of Bonthron

"Lord Hayes leaves for Surrey this week," Lady Bryant announced to her friends, "he wishes to consult a certain Dr Bell on whom he has great reliance."

"Then His Lordship will not attend my ball," Mrs Hanson said as her footman held up great ornate mirror so she could admire her beautiful face and smooth alabaster skin.

"I believe he was in better health when he first came to Bath," Countess Bonthron added.

"When will His Lordship return," Mrs Hanson asked as another footman came in with the tea things and served them.

"Not until May, I believe." Lady Bryant said before sipping her tea.

"Then he will not be attending Mrs Wall's masquerade as well." The Countess added before feeding her red lips with a succulent strawberry.

"Mr Wall wants very much to have some shooting at Stacey Hall, but am not sure whether the Duke of Holden and Mr Rowley will be joining him as well." Said Esme while stirring her tea delicately.

"My new gown for tomorrow's assembly arrived this morning," Countess Bonthron said turning suddenly to lady Bryant, "its white muslin with lovely embellishments at the hemline."

"Oh, Poppy am sure you will look divine in it." Esme praised.

"Esme, what jewels will you be wearing for the assembly tomorrow?"

"I will be wearing a ruby and pearl necklace," Mrs Hanson announced with delight. "Mr Hanson presented them to me at breakfast this morning."

"How did you think of Mrs McKay looked at the play?" The Countess asked.

"I think she looked remarkably well in that satin gown of hers and she was in good spirits as well. Is her gown new? I have never seen her in it before." Esme said.

"I believe it is a new gown, and I believe she will be married again. And who was the gentleman that Mr Hanson presented to her?" The Countess asked.

"Sir Arthur, I believe he was interested in making her acquaintance."

"You were not at the play," Countess Bonthron turned to Lady Bryant, "how was the dinner party?"

"In addition to our set were the Walls, the Goodwin's, the Dunne's, the two Miss Edwards, the Duke of Holden. His mistress Mrs Gregg was also present and the Duke winked at her all night, Mrs Wall drank too much wine while Frederick Goodwin won nearly a thousand pounds at whist."

"Imogen, by the smile on your face am sure you had a delightful evening." The Countess remarked.

"Is the rumour true that Mrs Gregg is pregnant for the Duke?" Esme asked.

"If she is I did not see any sign of her been with child."

The Countess who was now pacing up and down slowly remarked. "I believe that our afternoon will be spent entirely in your Boudoir for the rains will not let up."

Mrs Hanson and Lady Bryant looked out the window.

"Then we better seek our amusement elsewhere." Esme gestured to one of the footman to set up the card table and the other to clear the tea things away.

When the footman was done all the three ladies sat down to play lansquenet.

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