Kim Taehyung

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Somewhere in Canada

"Yah finally i am a doctor" Taehyung shouted as he was very happy to receive his degree

" Guys let's go to the club in the's the last day and tae is leaving to his country tommorow" Mark said

"Yes, let's party like there is no tommorow" Joy said

Taehyung along with four friends left to their dorm to get ready and go to the club

Taehyung wore his transperant white shirt along with his black trousers and wore a little makeup

Taehyung wore his transperant white shirt along with his black trousers and wore a little makeup

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All the five friends reached the club and started drinking alcohol

"Wanna dance with me" Bogum asked tae by extending his hand


Both Bogum and Taehyung started dancing to the slow romantic music

" Tae i love you and I'm sorry..can you please forget the past and come back to me"

Taehyung sighed, he removed the hand from Bogum shoulder and  took a step back" Not again, I don't repeat my mistakes Bogum. Even if i want to that little cock of yours can never satisfy me" Taehyung sassed back and left to his group of friends to have a drink

"This little piece of shit....i will make u mine taebaby" Bogum said with a evil smirk

So Bogum and Taehyung dated for three years when tae came to day tae caught Bogum cheating on him with a girl...after that tae stopped talking to him...he was very hurt as afterall Bogum was his first love.
Two years back


"What to do you never let me have sex with you...i have my desires Taehyung....its just one night stand Taehyung.....i only love you.... please don't leave me" Bogum said by forcefully kissing Taehyung

Taehyung pushed Bogum with all his strength and slapped him with a full force " Never ever try to come near me you asshole"

With that Taehyung left the hotel and went directly to the bar...he is heartbroken...he trusted Bogum a lot.....he need someone to comfort him.....he can't tell to his hyungs they will get worried for him

So he immediately pulled out his mobile from the pocket and dailed to his soulmate.....Park Jimin

"Hey bitch it's midnight there in Canada....why the fuck did you call me this time and where the fuck are you and what is this loud noises"  Jimin said from the other side

"I'm in a club.......Chim Bogum cheated on me" Taehyung said while sobbing hard and having his third Peg of vodka

"Asshole, i will kick his balls when I meet and cut his small dick so that he can never have sex"

Taehyung laughed loudly by jimin's comment....he knows how sweet Jimin is and how much he loves Taehyung.....and also knows his duality when someone hurts Taehyung

"What the hell, bitch why are you laughing"

"I just imagined you cutting his dick with your tiny hands" Taehyung said and again laughed aloud

"Tae I'm serious ur drunk.....please call Mark and go to your room....that bastard doesn't deserve you"

"Ya i will bye you" with that tae disconnected the call....but he didn't go back to his dorm he drank so much that he lost his senses....he wants to forget Bogum.

Next day morning

Tae woke up with a headache due to his hangover.....he groaned holding his head and opened his eyes and looked around...his clothes are scattered on ground

He was on a unknown bed in an luxurious hotel room with a long white shirt which doesn't belongs to him....he tried to get up from the bed but a immense pain raised in his lower back....that's when he realised he lost his virginity to someone he doesn't even remember

"Shit, shit,shit".....this shouldn't happen

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Taehyung shouted and grabbed his hair

He slowly walked towards the washroom and turned on shower..... immediately a cold water started running through body...he closed his eyes thinking what fuck happened....he just wanted to forget Bogum....but here he lost his virginity to fucking Stranger

He closed his trying to remember.....he got glimpse of yesterday's night....the soft touches, a comfortable hug....and a breathtaking kiss.

"You deserve whole world"... Taehyung immediately opened his eyes when remembered the words which are said by person before he passed out

After that Bogum tried to talk with Taehyung...but tae ignored he college was about to complete he accepted Bogum apology only as friend....he never gonna fucking go back to a cheater


Taehyung came back from the club and he started packing his luggage as he has a flight tomorrow for Korea

A place where his all loved ones live and also the most hatred person

After packing....Taehyung slept by setting an alarm for his flight


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