Chapter 3

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"I'm so hungry, luckily I have some money to buy bread" you continue to walk to the bridge, sat there while you eat. You were watching the water with fish koi swimming around
But out of nowhere you saw someone take your bread

Before you could finish your sentence, someone shoves food in to your mouth
You look and it was Fushiguro

"What the hell-"
He feed you another bite. He knew you were hungry and did not allow you to just eat bread. Instead he feeds you from his lunch.

You were bothered but the food was also good and that's enough to calm you down a bit.

He  was about to give you a 3rd bite

"Stop it if you want me to eat then just tell me!"
*sigh* he gently push his lunch towards you to eat
You calmed down
And took the food to eat. It was way too good to not eat it

He was looking at you to make sure you were eating and of course you ate it, like who want to waste a good ass food

You finished eating and he was satisfied you didn't notice until how good looking he was

You immediately take out your sketchbook to draw him because
1. you wanted to get better at drawing and
2. he handsome

But....He did notice you keep looking at him every 10 seconds

Under The Sunset - Megumi Fushiguro x reader Where stories live. Discover now