Part 2

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His plan is inevitably delayed once they make the acquaintance of one Marcus Scott.

They meet the man at the local market, he's hard to miss what with his patterned linen suit and loud voice. Will also doesn't miss the way he seems to treat every person he meets conceitedly, the man reeks of hubris a mile wide. 

Hannibal feigns interest in the guava fruits on the stand before him but Will can tell he is just as annoyed, if not more. He knows how his companion feels about rude people, after all. 

The two exchange a glance and he sees the same telltale glint in Hannibal's eyes, the same kind of hunger which he just let himself feel.  Will acts before he can fully think about what he's doing, he starts walking with purpose towards the arrogant man now harassing a young lady who is clearly uncomfortable about his... everything.

As he gets closer he feels Hannibal's gaze on his back, assessing and curious. He is undoubtedly having fun, the little shit. 

Will's genius plan comes to completion by bumping into the snappy tourist and ruffle his feathers just enough to sneakily slip a hand into his pocket and get his wallet.  

"Watch where you're going, you fucking prick", he barks, attempting menace but just making more of an ass out of himself. 

"Oh, I'm so so sorry, I'm terribly clumsy." , Will replies with mischief written all over his face, quickly making his way to Hannibal a few stalls over. He is glad to notice his little stunt gave the girl enough time to inconspicuously get away from the asshole and find a group of friends. 

He presents himself to Hannibal victorious and smug, holding that wallet the same way a child showcases a shiny rock he found to their parents.  

"Satisfied?", Hannibal asks.

"Don't look at me like you aren't thinking of making beef roulade out of him. Innocence doesn't suit you", he smirks. 

Will starts steering him away towards a nice little restaurant they have been meaning to try. He is surprised to see how easy touch is when it comes to Hannibal, how simple it is to put an arm around his waist and bring him closer just because he finally can. He feels Hannibal stiffen briefly against his side and he relishes in it. Will isn't hiding from himself anymore and he can admit there is a touch of sadism in his fondness. 

The ever present wish to make this man yield doesn't come with visions of ropes and crushed bones. Or, well, they are still present but in a wildly different context. 

He still holds regrets close to his heart. For Beverly and Abigail, Molly and Walt; the road to their becoming is sprinkled with casualties. But, he finds that, impossibly, he holds Hannibal Lecter even closer despite everything they have done to each other.  They're under each other's skin, have been for a long time. Since that first time their eyes met in Jack's office, looking for Garrett Jacob Hobbs and getting a revelation instead. 

Every moment with Hannibal since that day has held a piece of mystifying epiphany.  

They wait until they get home to start planning. The stolen wallet that hides that man's life is a flashy leather thing, obviously overpriced. Hannibal grimaces at its sight, the snob. As if he himself didn't use to indulge in similar accessories and suits. 

Will debates commenting on that but then decides that he quite likes his organs being inside his body, y'know, where they should be. And that he really doesn't want a repeat of that wretched night lying on Hannibal's kitchen floor. Besides, they have to be on good terms if they need to plan a murder and, despite everything that has happened since the fall, a physical fight between them is still most likely to end with one or both of them dead. He refuses to give Jack the satisfaction.

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