Chapter 1: Blind Audition

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I walked up and down the hallway, taking deep breaths. I stood at the door and looked back at the camera, giving it a thumbs up. I grabbed my microphone and walked out. I saw the red chairs turned around and my stoumach twisted even tighter. I heard the music start and I raised the mic to my mouth.

I started to sing and the words came easy to me. The song ended and I saw that all four chairs were turned around. My eyes widened and I clamped my hand over my mouth as I started to cry.

"Hi!" Adam said and I waved.

"What's your name?" Cee-lo asked.

"Madison" I responded into the mic. All four judges told me what they liked about me and why I should be on their team. It came time for me to choose and I was frozen. The roar of the crowd screaming names were drowned out by the sound of my heart beating in my ears. "I choose B-Blake." I said, pointing. He raised his arms in victory and stood up, facing the crowd. The crowd let out huge cheers and I smiled, coming off the stage to give Blake a hug. I walked off the stage and handed the mic to one of the stage hands. I walked into another room to see my brother and my mom cheering. They wrapped me in a tight embrace and said over and over how proud they were of me.

"How do you feel?" The camera guy asked me.

"This is awesome. I was so nervous but I tottaly blacked out while on stage. The song ended and... when I saw all four judges staring at me, I started to cry. This is unbelievable. I've had the dream of being a singer ever since I was a little kid. I'm coming for you America!" I said, pointing into the camera. My brother had his arm wrapped around me, making me come closer to his body. They let us go as the next person walked out onto the stage. I climbed into the car and drove home with a smile on my face the whole time.


Okay, bad first chapter, I'm sorry, I apologize <3

Listening to Paradise City~ Guns N Roses

FlawlessBVB is Madison


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