Chapter 2: Team Dinner

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Chapter 2: Team Dinner


I walked into my new home for the next couple of months, also know as a hotel room. I saw my roomate had already put their stuff on one of the two beds in the room so I placed my suitcase on the opposite bed. I admired myself in the mirror, making sure I looked okay.

My shoulder length brown hair was flat ironed and my brown eyes popped out with the black eyeliner I rimmed my eyes with. I had both my lip and nose ring in. I was wearing my favorite All Time Low shirt with some dark blue skinny jeans. I had on classic converse as well. I slipped the key into my pocket and headed downstairs. I walked to the restraunt next door and was led to where the team was. I hugged Blake and sat next to this one guy who looked interesting.

"Hey there." He said, turning a little to face me.

"H-Hi" Did I mention I'm REALLY shy when it comes to new people?

"I'm Terry, what's your name?" I could hear a think Scottish accent in his voice.

"I'm Madison, are you by any chance Scottish?"

"Born and raised." He told me, popping his collar. I chuckled and we started to discuss likes and dislikes. He told me he was classified as a "Scottish rocker." We liked a lot of the same bands, mostly 80's bands. The table started to fill up as people came. Once everyone arrived, we went around the table introducing ourselves.

"Umm, I'm Cassadee Pope-" My heart stopped right then as my head jerked in the direction of the small voice. "I was the lead singer of a band called Hey Monday but decided to make a solo career for myself. My boyfriend Rian is in the band All Time Low." She said with a small smile. I couldn't stop staring at her throughout the whole dinner. I couldn't believe I was on the same team as Cassadee Pope! After dinner, I ran over and caught Cassadee as she was leaving the restraunt.

"Hey, Cassadee?" She looked over at me. "I just wanted to say I'm a really big fan of Hey Monday."

"And All Time Low apparently." She giggled. "Thanks." I smiled and attempted to talk to her.

"So, what room are you in?" I asked her as we stepped off the elevator on the 6th floor.

"618." She said, pulling out her key. My jaw dropped. I was speechless as we walked down the hallway. "What about you?" She asked, putting the key into the door.

"S-Same." I stuttered, following her in.

"Really? Awesome." She said with a smile, rummaging through her suitcase.

This is going to be the best few months of my life.


Okay, another bad chapter, I know. I PROMISE it'll get better!

Listening to Wanted Dead Or Alive~ Bon Jovi


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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