Chapter 2

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I would like to say I was awoken to the sun rising and the birds chirping, but in all honesty, I rolled into a rock. Not very majestic, I know. I sighed and sat up.

"What now?" I asked myself out loud. Food I decided. I reached into my bag and pulled out some chips.

'Yes, cause this is the biggest and healthiest breakfast ever,' I thought to myself. I ate it anyway. I gathered my things - by that, I mean my backpack - and started off.

I don't know how long I walked for. But, unlike what they tell you in stories, the forest was not full of birds chirping and sunlight shining down directly on me, making me the center of attention. Instead, the woods were wet, I walked in constant fear of an animal attacking me, and I had absolutely no clue as to where I was and if I will survive.

"OW!" I cried out. My shoe had gotten stuck in some mud a little while back. I managed to retrieve it, but it wasn't wearable yet. Which brings me to my current problem, I stepped on a twig that stabbed my foot.

As the sun began to set, I set up camp. I pulled out dinner, which was a piece of bread. I was beginning to re-think what I had done. Did I really just leave the only place I have ever called home. Did I really leave someone who provided me with food and shelter?

"Why did I do this?" I asked myself, laying down. I didn't have a chance to answer myself, for I had fallen asleep. 

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