Chapter 5

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The door of the entrance now closed, Mizuki continued to gaze in the direction where Mr. Tybalt had taken Sorata with him. Her mesmerizing eyes didn't budge a centimeter, even though she couldn't see him anymore.

"You and I should get going now." Mizuki turned her head back to the front at the sound of Lola's voice. " I have a good idea as to where I'll have you work today Mizuki." Lola winked and smiled, she knew something was up with Mizuki and having her mind busy on something else could be a good distraction.

"Come on, let's go." Grabbing her by the hand, the enthusiastic maid lead Mizuki down into a hall next to the big staircase. A big smile on her face and giggling echoed down the long corridor.

"H-hey! W-where are we going?" Mizuki asked in a semi-worried tone.

"We? You mean you." She answered almost laughing in a teasing manner.


"Have you ever cooked anything before? Have you ever made a meal? Like roast pork, potato stew, bread, and things like that?"

"What? Uh- ummm... n- not really? I mean, I... not those in particular..."

"I see. As long as you have some experience in cooking anything, that's good enough. I can tell that you'll learn fast."

Still getting dragged down the hallway, Mizuki began to feel butterflies in her stomach. She figured she'd be taken to work in a kitchen or something, since they were talking about making food. This wouldn't be her first time cooking. She had already cooked many times back in Japan with her mother and grandmother for a considerable amount of time. She also enjoyed baking homemade chocolate and pastries from time to time as a hobby, which came in handy whenever Valentine's Day came by. And right before she even came to Casselonia, she was cooking during the field trip. A feeling of reassurance mixed itself with the butterflies she had. If cooking was the first thing she'd be assigned to, then she should be okay. The only minor thing would be to get used to new recipes and possibly other cooking methods.

Mizuki glanced over to the right where there was window after window on the wall. She could see the back yard of the manor which was hardly any different from the front, except there were no houses. Only batches of trees, hills, and green grasslands dominated the terrain. Only small cottage- not part of the village- far away could be seen on another hilltop.

With a half-blank half-interested expression on her face, she stared at the simple yet refreshing scene outside. You could say it helped her relax a little more, and it most likely did on some level, but not even she could tell.

"Alrighty we're here." They stopped close to the end of the hallway in front of a dark brown, rustic door that was slightly underground. And by underground, it meant there was a two-step mini staircase you had to take to be exactly in front of the door.

Lola let go of Mizuki's hand and took the miniature stairs to knock on the worn out door.

Mizuki looked around shortly to examine the hall. Everything in it from the windows, the walls, the doors, and the ground all had many of the same elements of medieval architecture. Looking at every detail possible, somewhere deep inside her was actually interested and excited about being there, even if it was just for a second. A few seconds went by, and then the sound of footsteps slowly became slightly louder as someone on the other side came to answer.


The door opened and a short surge of smoke came rushing out, dispersing shortly after.

"Yes?" A feminine voice answered the door.

"Hi there Arabella. Mind if I drop by for just a minute?"

Gateways to Casselonia Vol1( Light Novel )Where stories live. Discover now