1) colby brock (fluff)

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                            "forever and always"

it had been a long day. recording with sam and colby could be a hustle sometimes, but they were closer to me than anyone else. i loved them, and they loved me. nothing could separate the 3 of us.

i decided that i wanted to just lay down for a bit, maybe look over my social medias. things were also pretty stressful, because i have fallen in love with my best friend.

which one? colby brock. he was irresistible. everything about him was perfect, yet i know he only likes me as a best friend. it was a painful thing to think about, but i would never make him uncomfortable. that's why i haven't told him.

after thinking about everything, i decided i needed to do something about the situation. im gonna tell sam.. god knows how that'll go.

at the perfect time, sam called me downstairs. "Y/N GET DOWN HERE PLEASE WE GOTTA TALK!!" damn, he was loud. "ACTUALLY ME TOO, AND OK GIMME A SEC!!" immediately after that, i grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see sam sitting on the the living room couch.

since i wasn't exactly excited to tell sam about the situation, i let him talk first. "so y/n, you might wanna sit down for this." it was an odd thing for him to say, since he was barely serious ever. but i sat down. "colby didn't want me to tell you this, but i've seen the way you look at him. i told colby that you probably had feelings for him."

"what the FUCK, sam??!? that's literally what i was coming to you for, i was gonna tell you that i liked colby. i would've told you because i TRUST you!!! now you're just jumping to conclusions and decide to tell colby?!"

"woah.. chill out y/n. it's not as a big deal as you think. i had a talk with colby, and he wanted to find out if it was really true. he wanted me to come ask you if you like him." he sighed out.

"this couldn't get any worse. well obviously now you know that i like him, so you might as well just go tell him the truth." i yelled out.

for some reason, sam jumped off the couch with the hugest smile on his face to go talk to colby. that's not a reaction i was expecting, considering i just yelled in his face. i was still a little mad, so i walked over to the backdoors and stepped outside. i needed a little fresh air to think about what just happened, also looking at the stars is nice.

why did colby wanna know so bad? and why wouldn't he just ask me himself..? maybe he likes me back. maybe he doesn't. who knows anymore, falling in love can be a nightmare sometimes.

that's when i heard the back door slide open. dammit, of course it was the one and only colby robert brock. i pulled my jacket closer to me and sighed. "what colby?" my voice was full of dread, hoping i could just disappear then and there.

"samtoldmeyoulikedmeandijustwantedtosayivelovedyousinceimetyou" colby said, like he was eminem. real smooth colby, real smooth. "what did you just say, weirdo?" i asked, pretending that i didn't hear him the first time. i secretly just wanted to hear him fully admit his feelings again.

colby rubbed his forehead, and said "y/n you're the most beautiful creation on earth. i cant hold it in anymore, i need you. i need you to be mine." my cheeks flustered, and i felt a warm feeling inside of me. i cant believe this is happening.

"of course ill be yours, colby. ive liked you for longer than you think." i slowly say, while standing up. i was now facing colby, his blue eyes staring down at mine. unexpectedly, he grabbed the bottom of my chin and pulled me into a kiss. his other hand went down to my waist, while the kiss lasted for about 10 seconds.

" i guess i should go say sorry to sam" i chuckled, while colby agreed. as i walked back into the house to go find sam, colby yelled out, "i love you!"

       "i really do, y/n. forever and always"

in love~ (one shots of my fav people)🖤🤍Where stories live. Discover now