Peace Treaty.

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Roderich knew he had a duty, to himself, to his parents, his wife, who he felt no love for, to Clubs, his kin, his position. He only recently came into power as the Jack of Clubs, the war he fought against the Southern Continent, the war his country allied with Spades, an enemy turned ally with the crowning of the Queen Arthur, they were still looking for their king, a war that lasted long enough to where he didn’t know the Ace. The Ace was different, the rest of the royal house, Jack, Queen, and King, were born with a mark, the Ace had to earn it, and the Club’s Ace earned it when he was fourteen, or so the rumors say. 

The rulers of the Southern Continent were heading to Clubs to negotiate a peace treaty. Roderich stood, looking at the two people, two men, general and emperor, standing before him, anger and hate. 

“Gentlemen,” Roderich was a mean negotiator and was tasked with leading the whole thing, Yao, the Spades’ Jack who was also there told him that, Roderich with his opening statement put the other two in their places, they realized, they weren’t royalty, they started a war over something as stupid as the Queen Elizaveta, Roderich’s wife, he was married to early, before he learned he was gay. She didn’t know, but he wanted to tell her. That relation alone gave him a lot of power, “Please follow us, we will begin shortly.” He added, in their native tongue, showing them they can’t plot because he knew. Yao nodded, he was liking the tactics so far.

“What of your king and queens?” The Emperor asked. 

“They are not needed here,” Roderich answered, “We are here to draft a treaty. They will go over it and finalize it with you when it is satisfactory to their needs.” 

“I see.” 

“So,” Roderich led them into the room where they were talking, he sat down, and motioned across from him, they also sat. He looked over demands and the statistics of the Southern Nation, and also what his King and Queen, and what Spades wanted out of it, “Luckily My king and Queen, and his Majesty, Queen Arthur, have agreed to allow you to remain in power, you will be an independent nation under joint leadership.”

“Between Spades and Clubs?”

“Between all four of the Central Kingdoms, Hearts and Diamonds provided aid in money and food, and also housed millions of refugees, so we are offering a hand to them in thanks, and also it will aid in further conflicts, as we four are planning on a joint union of the top four kingdoms in an alliance.” 


“As for your demands, no military leadership over the Southern Continent seems to be perfectly fine, although one we have an issue with is the pardoning of your General Marko. I’m sorry but he killed my predecessor in the field, and unfortunately, if you are to join the union made under the four nations, then Marko Julios must be considered a war criminal and tried in Clubs for the assissnation of Jack Thalia Macy, she did not deserve to die the way she did.”

“We can consider it.” 

“It can’t be considered, we are offering a hand out to you, that is our only demand of you to officially declare peace.” Until then the General was the only one talking, the emperor was silent, he finally spoke. 

“Consider it done,” He said, “I’ll escort a number of Clubs guards to where he is and you men can bring him in.” 

“Thank you,” Roderich said, “Now, you have economic issues, we can discuss benefits from entering an alliance with us.” 

“Alliance or colonization?”
    “You won’t be equal, but not a colony.” Roderich said, “Like a mentor, or on probation.”
    The talks ended fairly well, Spades and Clubs both gained territory, but Spades was more interested in the hidden and secret documents of the South, they added it to their royal library, and also brought in a new course, and a new wave of students flooded in, causing an increase of wealth in the nation

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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