Chapter 3: Runaway

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Potter Isles, Off the Coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea

Materializing amidst flaring green flames, Ashley took a step forward and immediately crumpled to the floor. She barely had the strength to brace her palms against the cold marble tiles, uncaring of the pain in her knees. All she felt was the tightening in her chest and the burning of her heart as she finally allowed her tears to fall, forming visible streaks as they poured down her cheeks. The shrunken serpent coiled around her neck made various attempts to soothe her, but alas, she was inconsolable. Her heart-wrenching sobs echoed throughout the empty parlor, attracting the attention of a curious couple from the next room over.


When the Dark Lord and his beloved soulmate decided on a whim to stroll around their temporary abode, they hadn't expected a visit from a distressed Ashley. Seeing her in such a sorry state, so far from her typical cheery disposition, sent shocks of worry through both Henrik and Tom, especially the latter. In the years he and Ashley had known each other, however little that number was, he had never seen the girl break down to that extent. He had to know the reason behind it.

"What happened?" Tom hurriedly inquired, "Are you hurt?"

He and Henrik kneeled on either side of Ashley, sharing a look when the girl refused to respond beyond a shake of her head to indicate that she was physically fine. Just to be sure, Tom mentally checked her over for any injuries while Henrik gathered her in his arms, whispering words of comfort in her ear as he stroked her hair.

"Hey, talk to us. Tell us what's wrong." Henrik gently urged.

"They found out!" Ashley cried, "T-they hate me now!"

"What...?" Henrik trailed off with a confused frown.

"What do you mean by that?" Tom pressed.

With her sobs only growing louder in volume, Ashley buried her face in Henrik's chest as she trembled in his arms. In return, he tightened his hold on her, wondering what could have caused such heartache. Tom's thoughts were on a similar track, though his were on the more... violent side of things, staying true to the reputation of his alias. Without any information from Ashley, they would be going nowhere, and it seemed that for as long as the pain was fresh in her mind, her lips would stay sealed. So, the first thing on the agenda was to console the poor girl, away from prying eyes.

"My heart, take her to the quarters closest to ours. I'll follow after I handle those rats." Tom instructed, glaring at the retreating figures of some of his lower-ranked followers.

"Be quick." Henrik implored.

The Hufflepuff moved quickly, sweeping Ashley into a bridal-style carry and making a beeline for what would be her temporary room for the time-being. He opened the door with a simple tilt of his head and laid Ashley down on the bed, tucking her underneath the covers. With her consent, he joined her on the bed and offered her his ear as they waited for Tom to arrive.

After recollecting the events to the best of her ability whilst still fighting through her tears, Ashley eventually tired herself out enough to fall asleep, slipping into dreamland just a minute before Tom could come and interrogate her. Henrik left her alone with a now-enlarged Moko in favor of meeting his soul-bonded by the door, shushing the taller man as to not interrupt the Gryffindor's much-needed rest. Despite the desire to know immediately, Tom held back until the door was completely shut.

"Well?" He prompted, "Did she say what was troubling her?"

"Mm..." Henrik hummed affirmatively, unsure of how to proceed.

"Must I really guess?" Tom huffed impatiently.

"...Sirius and Remus discovered her secret, my love. They know they're soul-bonded." Henrik revealed in a low voice, not wanting any possible passersby to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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