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TW: Suggestions of self harm, mentions of abuse

(Shigaraki's pov)

      I jolted awake sitting up I looked around my room breathing quickly. Realizing I was just in the comfort and safety of my blankets and sheets, I brung my hands up running them through my white hair. "Fuck, dumbass it was just a stupid nightmare. Calm down, your not anywhere near that horrible place." I said in attempts to calm myself down. I grabbed my phone off the the small table I had beside my bed turning it on. As it came on I let out a pained groan at the bright light, it didn't help any that my lock screen had a white colored background. Checking the time I realized that it was 4:45 in the morning. "That's fucking fantastic, so much for getting any sleep before college starts again." I groaned laying back down wrapping myself in my blanket even more.

      College. God I hated it so much. All the loud and annoying people crammed in classes and dorms. I would much rather do it online away from people but that first semester I bearly passed. After that I learned that I can't learn anything online. What makes it even better is that Kiroguri said I was going to be in the dorms this semester since he was going to start a new job and wouldn't be able to drive me to my classes. Oh well, I have no choice in the matter, driving is something I'm not real great at. When you almost run yourself over with your own vehicle practicing you tend to not really want to drive. Hopefully my roommate is not a complete asshole. I'll find out out by the end of this week, seeing how we're supposed to be moved in by Saturday.

      After what seemed like an hour of laying in my bed looking at the ceiling I decided to go ahead and get ready for the day. Standing up I turned on the lamp that resided on my desk to better light my room so I didn't fall like an idiot. Walking over to my closet I grabbed a simple outfit: a black and white striped long sleeved shirt, a black short sleeved one to go on top of it, and a pair of black jeans as well as a clean pair of boxers. With all of that I walked to my bathroom, setting the clothes on the cabinet and grabbing a fresh towel as well.

      As I was getting undressed I looked up and into the mirror, only having my shirt off so far. When I saw my chest I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I ran my fingers across the two semi fresh scars that ran perpendicular to my body. They were the only ones I had that I hadn't given to myself. One's I was grateful for. One's that I needed. After looking at myself I finished getting undressed, and stepped into the shower turning the water to a suitable temperature. I soaped up my hair and body in my lavender scented conditioner and body wash, enjoying the calmness that the scent brought me. After rinsing off I turned the water off and grabed the towel, drying of my body, then wrapping it around my smaller than average waist. Taking another look in the mirror, I shook my head like a dog would, shaking off some of the extra water.

      After getting dressed I put my dirty clothes and towel in my laundry basket and walked back over to my bed. I sat down and started scrolling through my phone looking at random things. I noticed I had gotten a text from Toga the night before. She wanted to know if I was free to hang out today. I thought for a moment on if I should take her up on her offer or not.

     Ultimately I told her sure, I mean it's the last week before college starts might as well do something. With that I turned my phone off and looked up at the ceiling. "It might actually be nice, to do something for once." I thought

(Dabi's pov)

      It was around 1 in the morning when my gracious "father" finally stopped yelling at me and finally let me go to bed. Walking in my room, I shut and locked my door. Most people would feel safe in their own homes but with that ass around I take extra precautions. Apparently getting three little studs on the side of my nose, several helix piercings on both ears as well as my tongue pierced didn't set well with him. Then again anything I do seems to tick him off.

      Walking over to my closet I grabed some sweatpants and a t-shirt along with some boxers. I may be tired but I need a shower. I may look like I don't know what personal hygiene is but I'm actually a very clean person. Entering the bathroom I set my clothes on the counter and grabed a towel and set it down. Yawning I started to undress, I grimaced as soon as I started to see all the bruises and permanent marks on my skin. One of my "fathers" favorite pass times, being an absolute dick. Getting in and starting my shower I started thinking about random things. Things like why is a spoon called a spoon and not a mini shovel but soon those mindless shower thoughts turned to something more important. I'm moving into the college dorms by the end of this week. I'm going to be out of this hell hole by the end of this week! "Hell yeah!", I yelled louder than I wanted to. With that thought in my head I'm pretty sure I had the grin a five year old does on Christmas for the rest of my shower.

      Once I was done rinsing my charcoal scented conditioner out of my hair I turned the water off and stepped out, drying myself off with the towel. I got dressed in my sweats and t-shirt and thin I looked in the mirror. My snow white hair was slicked back on my head, I ran my fingers through it in an attempt to style it. After getting the mess somewhat tamed I decided it was time to get some sleep. Taking my clothes with me I walked back into my bedroom throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. With that I flopped over on my bed exhausted from the day.

       I woke up the next day to my phone going off, "What the hell? I didn't set an alarm, did I?" I mumbled sitting up some, grabbing my phone. When I looked at the screen to my surprise it wasn't an alarm going off but Jin calling. Sitting up the rest of the way I answered it, trying to hide the fact that I just woke up, "Hey man, what's up?" and God I failed miserably. "Hey du- wait did you just wake up? It's like noon." Jin yelled through the phone. "Yeah I did, so what?" I growled back at him running my fingers through my hair. "Nothing, I was just saying geez. But okay, the real reason I called was to ask, you doing anything today?" "Not that I know of. Why?" I questioned. I was honestly a little confused about his sudden intrest in what I had planned. "Great, wanna hang out, go to the arcade or do something?" You could hear his smile through the phone. "Sure, give me fifteen and I'll be ready." I said standing up stretching. "Okay, I'll see ya in fifteen then. See ya." "Later." And with that we hung up the phone.

      I stood there wondering what sparked his sudden interest to hang out but then again this was Jin. The man was so spontaneous that I'm pretty sure he'd go on a trip to a different country at the drop of a hat. Tossing my phone on my bed I though out loud for a moment, "It's the last week before college, might as well do something."

~I hope that yall enjoyed this chapter it's the first of many. As you can already tell Shigaraki looks like himself but with white hair. Dabi dosen't have his burn scars and his hair is white. There back stories are going to be different but similar at the same time. And again they are in college, and Shigaraki is a trans male. If I hear a word about that I think I'll fight you.~

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