Chapter 4

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Dark Wing's POV
Why do I get the feeling like I know Bumblebee? I'm not sure why or how but Bee seems familiar to me. Why can't remember where I met him? I was lost and confused about this. I sighed unsure of what to do. I hated the fact that I couldn't remember scrap. I know that I was something else entirely. I knew that Luna, Saphira and I weren't human but something completely different all together. I got up from my bed and walked out of my room. I went to the training room so I could practice on my own. When I got there, I saw no one there. It was late after all and everyone was asleep. I walked up to punching bag and punched it as hard as I could. It barely moved an inch and this frustrated me. I was out of shape and I needed to start working out again. I growled a bit and started to lift some weights. I heard the door open to see Saphira walk in.
"Here, I'll spot you." she giggled out walking over to me.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked her.
"I just have an odd feeling that we're different from the others." I heard her say with a slight Japanese accent. I was kinda attracted to it but she would never fall for me though.
"I know the feeling. I just feel like I know Bumblebee from somewhere." I explain.
"I know what you mean. It's like I know Jazz from somewhere. It's as if we were both doing something together." Saphira explains and I chuckled at that.
"I just wonder where we came from. I just wish I could remember how we met." I told her sheepishly.
"I'm sure one day we will remember. You just have to be patient." Saphira happily stated helping me put the weight that I had back on its rack. Saphira and I talked as I worked out. It was nice having her around. Saphira was defiantly like a sister to both Luna and me. Saphira has always been there for us when we needed a shoulder to lean on. Saphira was kinda like the leader to the both of us. She was always like that from the moment we met her. As we talked the night away the others began to wake up. Prowl, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus came walking in. Luna soon followed in after them. It was training time and the three of us went to our locations. I saluted the elite guard commander and he nodded acknowledging me. I wasn't sure what he had in mind for me to do but I was prepared for it. Then I loud bang came from the prisoner hold.
"Commander, one of the prisoners escaped and he's heading your way." Jetfire stated over the com systems.
"Understood, Jetfire. Get Jazz and the others while we hold him off." Ultra Magnus ordered.
"Understood, sir." Jetfire said before hanging up to get the others.
"Looks like we're making a stand. Luna, Dark Wing, get ready to fight." Saphira ordered and we both nodded.
"No, it's too dangerous for the three of you." Optimus stated.
"But we want to help." Luna complained.
"No, Optimus is right. It's too dangerous for you three to stay here." Prowl commented. The door to the training room was blasted down to see two enemies there. They looked pretty pissed off and wanted to scrap us down into scrap metal.
"Hand over the three hybrids and no one gets hurt." said the one who changed his face. I found that weird and disturbing but what did he mean by the three hybrids?
"What hybrids?" Optimus said acting confused off his aft.
"Dark Wing, over here!" I heard someone whisper yell. I looked back to see Luna and Saphira hiding behind a near by wall. I ran and slid over there while the others weren't looking. Once I was behind the wall, I got up.
"What the scrap is happening?" I asked them and they shrugged. I heard a gun go off and it got cold and fast. I shivered a bit and another gun shot went off. Saphira yelped in pain and she slid to the for.
"Saphira, no!" I shouted.
"Guys, Saphira's been hit!" Luna shouted. Saphira was holding her arm with tears streaming down her face. Prowl came to our aid and picked the three of us up. He ran out of the door with us and out of the ship. I saw abandoned building and set Luna and I down.
"Stay here." The black and gold ninja commanded and we slowly nod. Prowl walked off somewhere and angry shouts were soon heard. Looks like Ratchet was pissed. I just hope that Saphira was alright. I heard Ratchet throw something but missed Prowl. Within moments Prowl walked out with a worried look on his face.
"Will Saphira be alright?" I asked him.
"The damage to her arm is severe but she'll be alright." Prowl informed us and I nodded.
"Looks like we're going to have to step up our game." Luna whimpered out.
"She'll be fine, Luna. She's been through a lot worse." I told her and she nodded. I knew she was worried and I couldn't blame her. I was worried as well and hated seeing her like this. I even hated seeing Saphira injured. Without her, we're nothing. It was kinda like owning a book without any words on the pages or a year without July. It just wouldn't be the same without one of your closest friend. I heard footsteps heading our way and I saw Bumblebee and Jazz coming our way. They were clearly worried about Saphira and wanted to know if she was alright.
"Is Saphira alright?" Jazz asked.
"She's fine, Jazz. The wound is only on her arm." I informed him and he nodded. I noticed that Jazz was holding and I raised an eyebrow. Jazz noticed this and hid it or tried to anyways. I ignored it and walked away. I walked out of the base and looked out toward the setting sun. Saphira would love this and I smiled a bit at the thought. Get better soon, Saphira. The team needs you more then you think.

Transformers Animated: A Triple Love Story (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz