the meeting

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"Good morning to you too Kacchan"

My head was spinning. Great another day of school with him. I got up and ready. Kacchan shouted at me for dropping breakfast. He had stayed overnight as his parents were at a photoshoot in America where their designs were being used.

I ran from him once we had left the house hoping I would lose him and not get beat up. I bumped into someone? A black haired boy fell to the ground Infront of me. Was he crying?

"Are you alright? Please let me help you up."

I put my arm out and the stranger took it. I pulled the boy to his feet. He must have been the same age as me. Well he looked older but he was in middle school uniform. Kacchan had caught up to us.


The boy looked at Kacchan. After stareing for a few seconds he grabbed a pen and scribbled something on my arm before running away sobbing.

"What was up with him? Disgusting man. What if he had touched you!"
"Kacchan we both know you don't care"

He looked at me upset and then Changed to his normal self.He started shouting about something but I had covered my ears. My hearing had become quite sensitive. I was Kacchans target most of the time so the explosions made my ears hurt more and more. His constant shouts were becoming annoying. I looked at my watch.

"Oh shit"

I Bolted for the school building. We were late. What had the boy wrote? I looked next to my watch. A phone number? It must be his.

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