Reaper X Reader - Left for Dead

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Post Explosion

"I'm telling you we need the upmost stealth for this mission" Soldier 76 demanded, as they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the talon base, situated East of Kings Row. 
"And I'm telling you, if you don't shut up, they'll hear your sour ass from a mile away" Cassidy warned, walking a few feet away from the captain, his hat low over his eyes.
"And I'm telling you, Reaper is up to no good" A voice added as they marched through, never looking away from the path in front of them, only to check their flanks.
"You can say that again" Soldier scoffed, shaking his head. Hos finger was hovering just over the trigger; their entry to the base was too easy, nothing stopped them from waltzing through the door, so he was especially on edge, but his thoughts were clouded by his recent injury, Angela had told him she doubted his stitches would remain closed for this mission, but he was adamant to go out, but now he wished he didn't.
"Oh hey Reap-" Mercy began before it clicked in her head that the enemy was walking amongst them. Within seconds, the scene unfolded into a bloodied battle, talon members flew in from every angle, and Soldier realized they were under manned for such a mission. He didn't even notice when Y/N slid into a side room, blood pouring out her stomach like a tap.
"Abort mission!" Soldier yelled, running back the way he came, the others following hot on his heels. Not once did they stop and realize they were a man down, nor did Y/N question the cease fire outside her door.

"I counted 5 leaving" Amelie announced, jumping from her spot on the ledge 20 feet above them all, shouldering her sniper.
"There should be 6, he never goes on mission with any less, two soldiers, two shields, two healers" Sigma pointed out, looking around half heartedly.
"Y/N never left" Reaper muttered, their faces were melted into his brain, and he knew he never saw her leave.
"What?" Sombra asked, appearing out of thin air. Reaper silenced them with his finger, before he heard it. Weak coughs, the sound of blood being spat on the floor and choked breathing. She was heavily injured. He never wanted to hurt her, she was his best friend before the explosion happened, they were attached to the hip, so it came as no surprise to him to hear that when the explosion happened, she went down with it, but he hadn't been aware she survived until he saw her on her first day back, opposite him, and shooting at him. He wanted to scream at her, ask her what she was thinking, shooting at him, but he couldn't reveal his identity, not then, not now, and not ever, he had become a monster, he had chosen his side and he had to remain loyal, he had to take down overwatch. He had died in that explosion, essentially. The man everyone knew was dead, he was different now. But he still cared for her, deeply. 
"Y/N" Reaper breathed out as he wrathed into the room where she sat, bloodying the vinyl floor, weakly looking at the hooded figure in front of her.
"Do it, Reaper" She wheezed out, wincing as she moved slightly, coughing up more blood.
"Do what?" He asked gently, crouching in front of her, pain on his features, hidden by his mask.
"Finish me off-" She began, coughing harder, pain crossing her features for a split second before she masked it behind a weak smile "I've had my fun, and I've realized they don't care for their weak healer, you saw-" She coughed into her hand, looking at the blood splatters with sadness in her eyes "you sa-saw how they left me, at least I'd see Reyes again" She whispered, her voice growing weaker, she was losing consciousness but she was fighting it, he didn't know why, but she was.
"I don't want to" He mumbled, taking her bloodied hand in his, trying to comfort her but there was nothing he could do that would take the pain.
"I see why you do what you do, I see why you go against Overwatch and god damn if they hadn't saved my life back when Jack caused an explosion, I would've done the same. But I should've, shouldn't I? Because they only care for their reputation - saving me was just a hole in their belt" Y/N whimpered, taking his hellfire from his holster, pressing it to her stomach "I don't need to live, Reaper. I can't, my best friend needs me in heaven" She smiled weakly before pulling the trigger, and Reaper watched, helplessly, as all life left her eyes, and her smile became etched in her face, painfree.

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