Cassidy X Reader - M.I.A

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Pre Explosion

Reyes looked down the hall, to the closed door that resided at the end, frowning deeply.
"She hasn't left the room since Cassidy went missing" Genji sighed, looking over the soldiers shoulder.
"72 hours to be precise" Jack added, joining them at the far end of the corridor, a heavy frown etched into his features.
"He can't be missing, he's Cass, he's not one to disappear without a trace" Reyes sighed, looking to the feed on his arm, seeing nothing about a weird little cowboy on the run from an enemy.
"Maybe he's hiding out in a base somewhere, not wanting to worry us with his injuries or something random like that" Genji offered, though he doubted it was true. If anyone would have heard from Cass, it was Y/N, they were inseparable, yet neither would admit that they had a crush on the other. It was obvious there was chemistry between them, but nobody would address it. 
"What if he's been kidnapped?" Reyes muttered under his breath, looking to Jack with a solemn look on his face.
"We have been against Talon for a while, what if they have him and are using him to take down their targets?" Genji continued, watching the older mans features darken.
"Stop. We need to find him before either Y/N loses her absolute sanity or he is killed" Jack retorted, pushing himself off the wall and marching towards Y/N's bedroom door.
"Jack-" Reyes began but the man had already knocked on the door. 

"Leave me alone" Y/N yelled to whoever dared to knock on her door, glancing at the metal framework before her eyes moved back to the photo in her hands. It was the first photo they had taken together, back when they were fresh in Overwatch, one of their first few days there, they took the selfie in an attempt to appear cool to the younger teammates, to make them feel like they were home. Of course, Y/N only framed it when the two became closer, but it was the one photo she had of them where they were both happy, care free and stress free.
"Y/N, we need your help locating Cassidy" Jack called through the door, his tone gentle but meaningful.
"We can't, he's like a ghost when he's on missions" Y/N replied bluntly, shaking her head as tears fell fresh down her cheeks.
"You are the only person who can find him even when he's like a ghost" Jack reminded her, leaning against the wall beside her door.
"I've tried looking, Jack. He's no where. I can't even find him. Which only means one thing, so plan his damn funeral because he's not coming home" Y/N yelled back, the sound of something smashing echoing from her room. She looked at the smashed photo frame with tears in her eyes "he's not coming home" She whispered, swinging her door open and storming past him, straight into Reye's open arms. She buried her face in his chest, crying heavily against his shirt.
"Hey hey, it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay" Reyes mumbled, rubbing her back gently.

3 Days Later, the day of the Funeral.

"It's closed casket because he's not actually in it, we don't know where he is, we just know he's dead okay?" Genji argued with his brother as they walked into the saloon in their ill-fitting cowboy attire - not their choice, Reyes had forced them all to dress as cowboys, claiming it to be Cassidy's wish, but they all knew it was just to pay homage to their favourite Southern Texan.
"I can't believe we're never going to hear him say "it's high noon somewhere in the world" again" Lena sighed, falling into her seat beside Hana at the bar, grabbing an orange juice before Jack shoved a glass of Whiskey into her hand.
"I can't either, I'm going to miss him" Angela sighed, leaning against the bar beside Jack, watching Y/N as she very carefully placed one of Cassidy's many cowboy hats on top of the casket. It was her idea to hold the funeral in his favourite saloon, she had never seen him step foot inside a church, so it seemed fitting for it to be held somewhere he actually went.

"Sorry I'm late for whatever is being hosted, I got involved in some gang, lost my arm, nearly died in an explosion at Route 66, nearly got bulldozed off a somethin' rather and then spent a minute getting the shit nickle kicked outta me on route home" A voice called as the doors swung open.
"This is a funeral mate, saloons not open today" Lena called, nobody paying attention to the foreigner.
"Oh shit who've we lost. Don't tell me iss Y/N, I swear down if it is Imma fucking yeehaw their goddamn heads into the summer" The voice growled, looking to the casket before pausing. "Now hang on a damn fuckin' minute, I ain't dead, am I dead? Why am I attending my own funeral, it's been 6 days - not a bloody month!" the man exclaimed, taking his hat off in confusion.
"CASSIDY!" Y/N yelled from the opposite side of the room, sprinting across and tackling him to the ground, hugging him tightly.
"Mornin' sugar, was this your idea?" Cass asked, raising his eyebrow slightly as he held the woman tightly with his one hand.
"Nobody could find you, not even me" She admitted quietly.
"So you planned my damn funeral? You were in my will, you knew that didn't you? You just wanted my very expensive case of cigars, didn't ya?" He joked, slowly standing up as she climbed off of her.
"No, no I didn't want you dead at all but we thought you were dead" Y/N mumbled, resting her forehead against his shoulder.
"Permission to beat the crap out of the casket?" Jameson asked, looking at Jack.
"Granted" Jack nodded, watching the man place an explosive device on top and stepping back, grinning as the bomb went off.
"HEY I DON'T WANNA DIE TODAY ASSHOLE" Genji yelled, climbing out of the debris.
"He was asleep in there" Hanzo pointed out, sending the group into laughter. Reyes looked over to Y/N and Cassidy and raised his eyebrows, watching them kiss.
"Well, about damn fucking time!" Reyes laughed, walking to the door.
"You not sticking around?" Lena asked, appearing beside him.
"No... I have, things, to do" Reyes nodded, before he walked away, leaving the new romance to blossom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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