Percival's Penance Part 3

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Leaning back in my chair I allow the servant to remove yet another plate from in front of me as the butler announces the second main course. I bite back a groan. I am sure if I eat another mouthful I will explode.

As I look around the room I find I am not the only person dismayed by yet another course of heavy food. At the head of the table a plate is placed in front of Princess Petunia and I am certain I catch her sighing.

She raises her eyes as if she senses I am watching and winks at me. I smile shyly in return. Although we will be classmates at university next year, I am intimidated by her glamour, and by the elven magic causing her to literally shimmer. Still her eyes are kind, and her wink was playful, and I hope that perhaps we might be allies, if not friends.

To the princess' right sit Magnus Baaronson, his face a mask of displeasure. Clearly he does not believe hosting the sister of the future queen is an honour. Princess Petunia half turns in her seat and is applying all her charm to the man. He, in return, grunts a response and turns his attention back to his meal.

I smile to myself. No amount of charm will alter Magnus' mood, not when the cause of it is right under his nose and he can do nothing to alter it.

When Magnus had escorted Princess Petunia into the dining room, she had expressed surprise to find a table set with all the elves at the top, and the other creatures arranged down its length in accordance with their age old perceived status.

Princess Petunia immediately declared this would never do as she would not be able to mingle with local people. Before Magnus could object, she and her maid had rearranged the name plates and asked everyone to be seated.

It would not do for the host to publicly disagree with one of the royal line, but Magnus was clearly unhappy with the situation. His elf cronies were also not enjoying themselves. Forced to sit next to creatures they would not normally speak resulted in somewhat stilted conversations.

'Are you looking forward to returning to The Capital?' My mother asks the princess. Under the new seating arrangement she sat to the princesses' left.

'I am not sure, Seraphina. It will be good to see my family, but there is much unrest and anxiety in The Capital. The problem of the blight divides creatures in how they deal with the rot, as it draws them together to save our realm. I wish I was returning to help my mother deal with the problem, instead I must spend the next two years studying.'

My ears perk up at the princess' answer. She appears to be as concerned about wasting time at university as I am. Perhaps there is a chance we will be friends after all.

The gnome on the other side of my mother leans forward to speak. 'Not all our days will be taken with study, Princess. I am sure we will be able to do something to assist with the problem.'

The only other elf at the top of the table leans around the gnome to add, 'One of our local witches is working with a team studying the blight, and he says he is close to a breakthrough.'

I believe someone said this particular elf is a cousin to the princess, which must also make him family to Baaronson's wife. He is around the same age as Bernais Baaronson, but looks nothing like him. This elf's face is kind and chatted frequently to the gnome sitting next to him—something Bernais would never do.

'A penny for your thoughts,' a male voice interrupts my observations. 'Although the way you are enjoying our host's discomfort, I've an inkling they're worth more.'

I colour a little at having been caught eavesdropping. I prod the food in front of me before I raise my gaze to find two twinkling green eyes watching me. He really is a very handsome gnome, with his dark wavy hair and olive skin. He is the only good thing about this meal.

'It is perhaps not kindly of me to enjoy Magnus' discomfort,' I say demurely; my mother would expect no less from me.

'But he is a pompous ass and deserves all he gets.' Breaker of Hearts speaks from behind his napkin and I cannot help but laugh.

'Hmm,' the beautiful black haired elf across from us interrupts, and Breaker blushes.

I think he might be sweet on the princess's maid. When he thinks I am not looking he catches her eye, and I sense a real connection between the two. Breaker and Rissa have spent most of the long meal telling me about my future classmates.

The gnome at the head of the table beside my mother is Drow Fieth, the heir to one of the gnome clans in The Capitol. Sitting beside him is the elf Elias and they have been friends with Princess Petunia since childhood.

When I wondered if there was room in their friendship for another, Breaker and Rissa laughed.

'Five years ago the Queen commissioned my father to produce a cake for Princess Petunia's birthday. He took me to court with him. It was pretty boring waiting around the kitchens for him to finish. I wandered into the courtyard and met this girl my own age. She offered to show me round the castle and grounds. It was not until a maid came to fetch her I found out who she was. We had such fun, she asked if I would like to come live with her,' Rissa tells me.

I take a closer look at the elf. 'But I thought you were her maid.'

Again Rissa laughs. 'That is my official title. To be fair I do very little except when we are in public. The princess also arranged for me to attend the university with her this year. I will be the first one of my family to do so.'

'And do you have a tale about how you bonded with the princess?' I ask Breaker.

He blushes and again looks to Rissa before answering. 'I am a new comer to the group, in fact this is only my third day with them. My home is on the other side of The Wyld Woods. The princess came through with her group a few days ago and stopped nearby for a picnic. They heard me playing and asked me to entertain them. I obliged, and when I finished Princess Petunia asked me if I would like to join her household.'

My eyes round in surprise. 'And you up and left home just like that?'

Breaker stares intently at his meal. 'It was no easy decision,' he admits. 'I did have a particular inducement, and my parents understood the attraction.'

I feel like a third wheel, but the moment is short lived as the Princess announces, 'Governor, this meal was magnificent, but if I eat another mouthful I fear I will explode. Perhaps we might retire to the drawing room and partake of some entertainment and allow our food to settle.'

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