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Hi!- *gasp* why are you sad? 

Mhm...ok...I understand, but you don't have to feel insecure about yourself/your body/ or your personality!

You are perfect just the way you are

You are the most gorgeous person I have ever met

You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful, in fact, no one is perfect

And who cares if you are different from others, that is what makes you special

Your personality is unique

You are perfect just the way you are, you don't need to change anything about yourself for others!

You don't have to be a people pleaser

Ignore anyone who offends you, they are just jealous

Your laugh is very beautiful

Your face is beautiful

Your entire body is beautiful

You are a king/queen/royal

If your friends/parents don't accept you for who you are (Ex. Gay, Lesbian, Trans, etc.) remember, I will always accept you and appreciate you!

You are unique

I love you and always remember to take care of yourself, put your mask on when you go out, drink water, and sleep! (I'm looking at you Light/Eli!(?) >:c)

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