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It was a rainy and relaxing day and Harry and Aven were sitting in their apartment on the couch watching Peppa Pig

"Wanna go get coffee" Aven asked Harry

"No shut the fuck up artificial blonde" Harry snapped back

"Fuck you" Aven spoke walking towards the door slipping on her hideous ugly green vans

"Fine slut i'll go" Harry spoke getting off his lazy ass as he grabbed his black coat and shoes for his big ass feet

"Hurry the fuck up" Aven snapped at Harry pushing the elevator button as he was halfway down the hallway

Harry rushed towards the door putting his hand in between stopping the doors just in time

"You deviant little cunt" Harry snarked

"wonder where I got it" Aven spoke walking out of the building and to the car they shared

"Change this fucking song" Harry spoke as Aven blasted 'out of the woods' by taylor swift

"ARE WE OUT OF THE WOODS" Duplicity Niall popped out of the backseat screaming

Aven shortly joined in with him as Harry thought about how much he wanted to jump off a bridge

"What the fuck do you want" Harry asked as they got out of the car outside of the coffee shop

"coffee duh" Aven snapped back

Niall through the door open just enough for him and Aven to skip through but hitting Harry in the nose

"WHAT THE FUuUUuUuk" Harry sung in the coffee shop

"I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE" Harry snapped making everyone turn to look at him for a brief moment before returning their conversations

"I already got my coffee" Aven spoke walking back to Harry

"How the fuck" Harry spoke

"Stall Harry was handing them out over there" Aven spoke

"Who's that" Harry asked

"You from another fanfic" Niall chimed in

"You haven't read stall bro" Nova jumped in from the booth besides us

"It's so good bro" Louis joined

"come on i'll go introduce you" Liam spoke as he teleported here

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