The Heart wants want it wants

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"Michael Gordon Clifford get your ass down here" I shout

"WTF Becca" Mike says

"where's my cereal the one I bought?" I asked

"oh I ate it" Michael replies

"WTF is wrong with your fucking brain I even wrote it's mine you dick head" I scream at him

"calm down" He says with a scared look

"don't tell me to calm down you fucking cunt" I scream at him some more

"alright I owe you" He told me

"yes you fucking do you don't want me to embarrass you in front of your friends today" I threatened

"okay okay" He calmed me down

"btw I'm bringing Erica and Louisa" I tell him

"okay" he replies

After our little row I raced upstairs showered and got dressed I put on skinny jeans with a Unicorn Island Jumper (iisuperwomanii jumper if you don't know her look her up on YouTube she's amazing) with my Vans. After I finished I heard a knock I opened it to see Erica and Louisa my two bitches

"hey bitches" I screamed

"hey bitchy bitch" Louis screams back

"hey bitchy bitchiest" Erica says

We all bursted out laughing.

"so have the guys come?" Louisa asked.

"not yet but let's go up in my room" I answered

"okay" Erica says

We ran into my room when I got a text from Jason

❤️text convo❤️
Jason: hey babe miss your smile
Becky: miss yours too wish we could be cuddled up on your sofa
Jason: why can't you I need you
Becky: Mike wants me to meet his friends
Jason: I can show you my friend
Becky: Jason I would like too but I'm busy
Jason: after you've met them can you come to my house
Becky: maybe I might be busy
Jason: yeah might be busy with me
Becky: babe stop now I gotta go love you
Jason: I love you too
💔end of text convo💔

"so who was that?" Erica questioned

"obviously my bae" I told her

"who?" Erica wondered

"are you stupid or what It's Jason" I tell her

"ohh sorry" Erica says

I heard a loud knock at the door

"I'll go get it Becky you better be ready" Mike shouts out

"now that's one piece of pie I need" Louisa says with a seductive look

"can't believe you're going out with my dick head of a brother" I say

"he's cute" Louisa says with a smile on her face

"don't make me puke" I say with a face

Heartache On The Big Screen// L.H. FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя