green/home (reddie)

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(kinda similar to julesisreallygay's reddie story, like it's a similar idea) 

Green - Cavetown

Home - Cavetown

TW: death, su1cide, od

!! spoilers for IT Chapter 2 !! (if you haven't seen it why tf are you here-)


~ \\ ~ // ~ \\ ~ // ~    (<-- no clue why but i like it so deal with it hoes)


It had so many meanings. It could be Earth, it could be a house, it could be an animal, it could be anywhere and nowhere. 

For Richie? His home was Eddie. 

It didn't matter where they were. They could be in school, the screaming children drowned out and silenced by a single one of his smiles. Or they could be in his room because Richie climbed in through his window knowing Sonia was asleep. They could be at the Quarry, by themselves or with the others. 

They could be in a Chinese restaurant, rejoicing and remembering. They could be in a shitty hotel room. Or in a fucking sewer. It didn't matter, none of it mattered.

As long as his Eds was there, he was home. 

Oh, how he hated living on the streets. 

"Richard, put the vodka down and come get your fruit punch! I didn't risk waking my mom up for nothing, you ass." 

He rolled his eyes, internally smiling. "You seriously can't take an extra three steps and just bring it here?" 

"Not when you can get up and take an extra three steps. I went all the way to the kitchen, you can take three steps to get some fruit punch." 

Seeing no point in arguing, he stood up and grabbed his cup, watching as a pleased 'I-was-right-and-we-both-know-it' smirk spread across Eddie's face. 

"Yeah, ye-" he started, but before he could get any further, the other boy shut him up. 

"Don't you dare say a single word. This is my favorite song ever, and if you ruin it, I will fuck you up so badly-"

"I wouldn't mind that," Richie smirked as Eddie's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, like the color at the top of the horizon during sunrise. 

"That is not what I meant! Now shut up!" 

Neither of them said anything for a minute, but the air seemed awkward. So when the chorus started ringing gently through the room, Richie (being Richie) placed one hand on Eddie's waist, holding his hand with the other. 

And then they began twirling through the room. 

It was a beautifully awkward moment; nothing to be heard except footsteps, giggles, and Green. Nothing to be seen except some rather horrid dancing, both boys enjoying it nonetheless. 

Finally, Eddie spoke up. "What are you doing, Rich?" he asked with a laugh. 

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm dancing, genius." 

"Seems more like you're trying to twist your ankle." 

"Oh, shut up. This is our song now, I'll dance if I want to."

As the song came to a close, Richie leaned down, placing a kiss on Eddie's forehead, and then simply lying his head down on top of the other boy's hair. And as he inhaled, he knew. 

This is what home was. 

This was what it smelled like, sounded like, felt like. Walking over to the bed, dragging his boyfriend along with him, looking into his moonlit eyes as they did nothing but lay next to each other, he knew that this was what is looked like. Leaning in, kissing him, he realized that this was what it tasted like. 


Too bad I was kicked out.

He gasped, opening his eyes. Oh, fuck, his head hurt. 

It took a second to realize where he was. But then he heard the honks of horns outside, saw the boring, peeling, stained off-white walls. 

He wasn't home anymore. 

He wanted to go home. 

Groaning due to the pain from his hangover, he struggled to sit up. He realized his phone was next to him. And Spotify was open. 

Guess what song was playing, out of all 482 in his playlist?


Their song. His song. 


His whole body convulsed as his eyes flashed back to that moment three months ago. The giant leg, the blood, how his face was paler than it had ever been before, his last words- 

No. He couldn't do this. How could he? The one ray of sunshine had finally been overtaken by the hurricane surrounding him. It was roaring in his ears, it made his mouth dry, all he could see was dark clouds. 

Standing up, shaking from the storm raging inside of him, he stumbled around to find the pill bottles. There, on the bed, he found two. 

Bathroom counter. Another one. Thrown on the floor. Another two. 

It was time to become part of the hurricane. 

He couldn't feel himself as he did it. It was louder than ever, clouds were seeping into his bloodstream, he could feel the thunder vibrating through his skull. 


He let the wind pick him up as he took more, and more, and more. And there, at last, in the eye of the cyclone. 


Eddie, in a green shirt, of all things. 

How'd he know I was listening to that?

He smiled, reaching his hand out. Without hesitation, Richie walked toward him, not bothering to wonder how he was walking in a storm. And, at long last, took his hand in his once more. 

Heart stopping, breath ceasing, body falling limp, he was finally there. 

He was finally home. 

Word count: 923


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