Chapter 15: The Culprits

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I walked through the corridors cautiously avoiding any eye contact and wishing I could dissapear. But life was never fair. The whispers continued....

*I bet she's secretly dating Lucas*

*Go on, I dare you, ask her out!*

*Shes not that pretty but she's sweet. I'm actually kinda jealous though*

*Doesn't she have any shame, showing all the boys her hair. She probably got so happy being voted 2nd Queen*


*Maybe Jessica and her are rivals now*

"SAFIYA HELP!" my legs slowly became weak and felt like they were going to let me down. I grabbed her arm

"What happen!"

"I can't take it anymore! I don't like the stares. I'm not like Jessica and i don't want to be like her. When will people stop it. I wish I could dissapear forever!"

"Hey! hey your stronger then that. I know you've had a hard time but we'll fix it. You're panicking" her voice softened

"You're the only real one I can trust Safiya. My own family turned on me. I can't trust anyone else. I don't know why it's happening to me" I tried to keep strong but my voice cracked at the end. Crying infront of people was never my thing, I held it inside everyday covering it up. How much more would it fill before it overflows.

"It'll be okay. You know I would defend you against any crusty Asians or idiots we face"


(Next Lesson)

" she's actually really pretty. I wonder why she still hangs out with them nerds. So geeky Safiya and Dean"

I sighed rolling my eyes and turned around unable to hear any more crap for today

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you heard? It's true anyway. You could literally be so popular. You have Jessica, Lucas, Dina, Sarah. They all love you. Why don't you hangout with us?"

I clenched my jaw slightly, irritated and raised an eyebrow.

"What huh? What is your problem with Safiya?"

"She talks too much. You know how she is...." she rolled her eyes expectantly as if waiting for me to agree. This girl was just another popular snob I preferred to stay away from.

"Actually she's the sweetest person I've met and I could listen to her talk alllll day, so don't you worry about my friends. Mine aren't fake after all" I smirked and looked her straight in her eyes until she was unable to hold the eye contact and gave up

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