A night to remember

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"Rinnnn do I have to go?" you asked with a whiney voice

"Yes (name) we have to and if you don't I'll drag you and tie you up so you can't escape" Rin tried to have a scary looking glare but couldn't hide the playful tone in his voice.

"You wouldn't dare, you're too nice to do that to me" you purred, knowing him for all these years you know that teasing him gets him all worked up.

"I guess we will see about that" and with that he started to chase you around the house. You ran to your room with Rin close behind, knowing you couldn't get out of your room without Rin catching you, you jumped on the bed and buried your head in the pillows, Rin followed, jumping on after you.

Being friends for years you have shared a bed more times then you can remember so it doesn't bother you that Rin has lightly pinned your hands above your head.

"Rin, let go" you said playfully, with you in this position you can actually admire Rins features. Over the years he has grown to be gorgeous, his slightly messy burgundy hair with his maroon coloured eyes and his plump lips... wait. He was your best friend, why are you thinking about this? you flushed at the thoughts you had on him.

[Rin's POV]

looking at her from this angle actually made me admire her, (name) has grown into such a beautiful woman, her innocent (eye colour) orbs looking up at me and her messy (hair colour) hair sprawled all around her made her look like a fallen angel, for the first time in years, I wanted her to be mine and only mine.

[Your POV]

You saw Rin scanning you and for the first time you felt a little awkward, knowing Rin for so long awkwardness wasn't a thing that ever appeared between you two.

You tried pulling your hands from his grip but he had a very tight grip on your wrists, feeling slightly annoyed you were about to say something when Rin suddenly leaned down and gently kissed your lips. You were shocked, your best friend is kissing you and it was ever so gentle, like he was asking permission to do more, before you knew what you were doing you started kissing back, the kiss becoming more intense, Rin was teasingly biting on your bottom lip with his sharp teeth making you giggle and stifle the moans that could have come out, you could tell that made Rin more excited as he thrusted his tongue inside of your mouth and fought for dominance, he easily won.

He stopped the kiss but moved his lips down to your neck making you gasp, he was trying to find your sensitive spot by nipping and licking until he found it, when he did you let out a breathy moan and told him to keep going, you could feel him smirking while he continued.

He kept nipping at licking your sensitive spot creating a hickey. You had your fingers entwined in his hair and you were in bliss as his hands were trailing up and down your body making you shiver.

"I love you Rin." This made him stop what he was doing and look up, "I've loved you ever since 5th grade, I just didn't have the balls to tell you" you felt so happy.

That night you and Rin slept together just like you did when you were children, except this time it was different, you could feel his arms wrapped around you - protecting you, like he wanted to make sure that you would stay with him and wouldn't leave, this made you smile.

You turned over finding Rin asleep, you whispered in his ear once more, "I love you" before placing a gentle hiss on his lips causing him to stir slightly and reach out to pull you closer to his body. You fell asleep with Rin on your mind, hoping that this would be never-ending and you could stay together forever.

Done :)

Breaking the Friendzone (Rin Matsuoka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now