's been a while.

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Hello everyone! Surprised to see I'm still alive?

I do not know how many people will read this message. I don't think anyone will. But I would like to address my disappearance once and for all.

First, I apologize to anyone who was really hoping to continue my reading my works. I'm sorry that I left abruptly, and I'm sorry if you may have felt let down by my inability to constantly update (especially you, @/wheemimi, you seemed so enthusiastic to read and comment on my stuff :,)

Second, I have no proper excuses as to why I stopped updating. I think I just, fell out of the fan-fic scene. It may have been school that caught up to me or my pure laziness. Either way, I have no crazy story to tell you.

Not much has changed on my end. I am still a devoted fan of Mamamoo and BTS, though I'm not too involved with shipping anymore. I even tried writing for a different fandom on another account (please tell me if you find it, I'll give you a shout-out lol!) However, that won't stop me from writing good stories to you all, whenever that may be.

This might be the last you hear from me in a while, or it may not. But I assure you, reading Museum Antics again has more or less convinced me to keep on writing. Not just for you guys, but for myself, so I can fully embrace the roots in which my craft comes from. As such, I shall try my best to make up for what was lost, however slow or time-consuming it may be.

Again, I am sorry for leaving you all. But I am back, and I will keep writing. No matter what.

-Sincerely, TiaraSundaes

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