Chapter 1- What a beginning....

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Chapter 1- What a beginning....

Hail's POV

I am a normal human girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Nothing about me is in any way unique or special. I am not too tall, nor too short. Overall, I am just another average girl. I don't have anything about me that is, so different to the point that I would be noticed in a large crowd. I’m just normal. Plain. Simple. Although I do have a good family and great friends. I’m nothing special. Well, let me backtrack a few months. On a night like any other, my friends and I would have spent our Friday night playing games and fooling around, but one night, we decided to do something different. We decided to step away from our normal schedule and go to a party. We dressed in the best things we had. I dressed in a long blood-red dress with black high heels and a white bow that was pinning my hair up. We drove in my black Mercedes to the party, where even from a few blocks away, we could hear the blaring music. We went our separate ways once we arrived. I went all the way to the back of the house in the hopes of escaping the loud music and the smell of musk from all the dancers, but no matter where I went I couldn't escape the noise.luckily I saw a cute teenage boy with long black hair wondering around the backyard, and the pure innocence on his face made me wonder what he was doing in such a place. He, in no way, belonged in a place with blinding strobe lights, spiked punch, and obnoxious music. He looked shy and just a little bit frightened.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted to him over the music.

“My older brother threw this party!” He shouted back to me over the music. I gave him a small nod. Now that made sense.

“Let’s swap numbers!” I declared confidently, smiling flirtatiously at him. In an instant I saw his cheeks go from pale white, to pink, and then slowly to blood red.

“O-okay,” he stuttered. We traded phones, putting each other's numbers in.

“Call you later!” I shouted to him before leaving him standing there, dumbfounded.

The music was beginning to give me a serious headache. As soon as I got outside I took my high heels off and began to walk home in the misty breeze. Why did I give my keys to the others? Oh that’s right, because I’m not that smart. I still can’t tell you why I didn’t go find the others and get the keys. I walked along the quiet empty streets, barefoot, indulging myself in the utter silence of the night. Before I could react to what was happening, I had a gag over my nose and mouth. I quickly put one of the heels in my hands to good use and begun to blindly hit at the figure behind me. I’m not going to be captured and raped tonight!

“God damn!” He shouted letting me go. I instantly turned around, adrenalin pumping through my veins. I attacked him with the heel, hitting him over and over again until I almost clubbed him half to death. He let out a moan of pain. 

“Thats what you get, you fucking rapist!” I shouted, storming off in pure rage. Well, I'm not completely normal as you can see. I have a sensitive sense of hearing and an even more sensitive sense of smell. I also seem to be abnormally strong. As I took a few more steps, the drug started to react to my body and I slowly fainted right in the middle of the street. I could feel my body being lifted and thrown onto someone’s shoulder before I hit the ground unconsciousness.

Mad scientist's POV

“Where the hell is that fool!” I screamed. The sound of my voice echoed throughout my porcelain white lab.

“I am sorry, my Lord. Luka just left, he should be back soon," my humanoid cyborg, Seri, said.

     “Very well Seri. Prep the examination table and anything else I might need. I need to begin as soon as Luka returns," I told her.

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