Chapter 4- The Battle Has Begun.

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“You better be lying," Leone hissed, standing in outrage.

“Both of you stay here," he said after walking over to kiss my forehead. He gave Eone’s hand a squeeze.

“I’m not going to sit around and do nothing,” Eone said simply.

“Your not sitting around doing nothing," he said, his hand on the door knob. “You're staying here to protect our mate," he said, his back at us.

“Please stay safe...” I said, hopping off Eone’s lap to go to him. I hugged him tight and pulled his head down to kiss him, feeling as if it would be the last time I’d never see him again. The kiss started off soft and small, and it deepened into a heated kiss. His tongue danced around mine, and I could feel fire ignite in my cheeks. Our tongues danced a heated tango around one another. I found my hand tangled in his hair and my legs around his waist. One of his hands is caressing my back, holding me up, and his other hand is drowning in my sea of long black hair. One of the guards let out a slight awkward cough to get us to spit up. We pulled away from one another for two reasons from one: the lack of air and two: the total embarrassment.

Leone set me down after whispering: “I love you” in my ears. I smiled up at him and walked back to where Eone sat. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up so he could stand. I smiled at him and pulled him down to my height.

“Kiss me," I muttered. He smiled down at me before he leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he used one hand to caress my neck. The other hand is on my waist. I gasped, feeling the sharpness of his fangs. He pulled away and smiled at me, his fangs flashing at me.

“Go with him,” I whispered into his ear.

“I can not, I must keep you safe,” he whispered, our foreheads touching.

“I’m not a child, Eone, and I don’t need to be watched constantly," I said, rolling my eyes. “Besides, I think I can stay out of trouble in a place filled with thousands of trained werewolfs.” He gave a slight sigh.

“He’s not going to let me go with him. His pride will hinder his judgement,” he said, a frown on his face. “Why must I go? I prefer to stay with you,” he muttered into my ear.

“I know you'd both want to stay with me. but I can see you want to go out and fight. I don’t want Leone out there on his own without someone to to watch over him while I have millions here to watch over me," I said, looking him in the eyes. He gave me a soft smile as he bent down to kiss my forehead. I smiled as he ran out the door. Je glanced back at the door, a smirk on his face, and I saw something flash by me. I felt a kiss on my cheek, then the door slammed closed behind the figure. Seconds later the words “I love you” drifted to my ears. I smiled at the door as I walked over to the bed to lay down, suddenly feeling tired. I can’t sleep I realized after ten minutes of staring at the ceiling. Noth of my mates are gone and I'm alone. before I knew it, the moon began to splash starlight through my window. At least the moon and stars would watch over me. I stood up, tired of sitting around. “Is there anywhere I can train?” I asked the guards at the door.

“There is a training room the younger wolves use to stay fit. Would that suffice, Luna?” he asked.

“Don’t call me Luna, call me Hail.” I said, a soft smile on my face.

“As you wish Lu-Hail.” He said as he begun to walk towards the training room.


I stood in front of the trainer, a smirk on my face. I watched as he looked at the row of fighter wolfs in training.

“Who volunteers to spar with this young lady to so that I may access her skills?" Not one hand was raised. He began to walk down the row, a smirk on his face. Each student he approached stood as straight as possible, and when he passed them, they let out a sigh of relief. “Hiro, you will be her opponent," he said, stopping to a boy with raven-black hair and dazzling blue eyes. The boy took one step up, separating himself from the others. I felt as if I'd seen him somewhere before. “Hiro is the best fighter we currently have, based on how you do fighting him will tell me where to rank you.” I nodded at him, and we stood in a large circle. All the others stood around the circle, ready to watch. “Three-Two-One... Go!” he shouted. I smirked at the boy before me.


About two hours later I held the boy in a headlock. “Beg for mercy!” I said with a smirk.

“Never!” He said, wiggling out of my headlock. He grabbed my left hand and threw me onto my back. I smiled, grabbing his leg and pulling him down. I quickly got up and patted my elbow. I jumped down onto him, pinning him down with a loud thud.

“Three-Two-One!" the trainer said. I got up and offered the boy my hand. He took it gingerly and I pulled him up. He smiled at me.

“Nice job," I said, wiping the sweat from my brow with one of the white towels.

“Right back at ya," he said, throwing me a bottle of Gatorade.

“Thanks," I said, taking a chug of the grape Gatorade.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked, trying to figure it out.

“No," he said a bit too quickly. “See you around," I said, smiling at him as I walked out the doors and towards my room.

“Did you enjoy your self Hail?” the guard on the right asked with a smile.

“Yes I did, thank you. I feel a lot better, sitting around for too long makes me feel sick,” I said, a small smile on my face.

“You're a great fighter for a female wolf," the other said.

“I often had to fend for myself. My mother was weak and quite old, I often had to work or steal to make ends meet.” I stopped for a few seconds. “They died in a hospital room right next to each other.” I said, reaching out for the doorknob. “Thank you for letting me do this," I said, a small smile on my face as I walked into the room. As soon as I looked in, my gentle smile turned into a look of rage. I saw the one person I despised more than Satan himself. He’s sitting on the edge of my bed, his legs crossed, a smirk on his face.


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