Chapter 1

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A young silver Tom exploded from a bush, hard on his sister's haunches as they streaked across the clearing. Then he leaped, landing on her shoulders and squashing her under his larger weight. The two of them landed in a heap of golden-brown and silver fur before the she-kit leaped to her paws and pinned him down, her playful turquoise eyes gleaming in the sunlight

"Whose the strongest now, eh?" She purred

"It's obviously still me, Specklekit" He replied, not really trying to break out of her grip.

"I wouldn't be able to pin you down, Jaguarkit" she teased back.

The two kits got up and scampered back to the nursery when they heard the soft call of their mother coming from the nursery.
"You two can play later, but have you got to roll around in dust right before your apprentice ceremony?" She mocked gently, holding them both down with her strong fore paws as she washed them.

"I wonder what your mentors will think when they are presented with two balls of fur and dust" Came a familiar deep meow. Jaguarkit managed to wriggle out of his mother's paws to see who was at the entrance.
"Duskpelt!" He heard specklekit yowl excitedly.

"What do you think?" Poppytail asked her mate, looking satisfied with her two kits.

"They look amazing" He replied proudly.

"Halfstar should be calling a meeting soon" The Tom turned his broad head towards the ledge on the other side of the clearing.

"I hope he does before they manage to sneak out of here again" the tabby queen scolded gently. Almost as soon as she had finished, a familiar yowl came from outside. At once all four cats got to their paws and trotted to where the large Tom was sitting. He could hardly stop himself from bouncing up and down, but then suddenly a pang of anxiety pricked at his paws. How could he be sure his mentor wanted him as an apprentice? Though Specklekit's eyes showed the excitement that he felt. He took a deep breath as he sat down at the front of the gathered clan. This was the moment they had been waiting for for as long as they had been able to talk, and they would remember it for the rest of their lives. Once the whole clan had settled down, Halfstar began.
"Today, we have two new apprentices to make. Specklekit, Jaguarkit, please step forward" He gestured with his tail.
"I, Halfstar, leader of StormClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these young apprentices and help them to understand the ways of your noble code. Specklepaw" He began.
"Your mentor will be FoxFern" The leader turned his green gaze to the ginger she cat.
"I trust that you will pass down all that you know to her" Then his gaze locked with him.

"Jaguarkit, from this day forward you will be known as Jaguarpaw and until you receive your warrior name, and your mentor will be Falconsoar" He turned to his deputy who was sitting a bit lower down on the rock. His mind started racing. Would she like him? Did she even want an apprentice? Even though she was the deputy, the she cat was still very young. When the previous deputy, Sandpelt had died, Whiteberry had a sign from StarClan that she should be the next deputy. The brown tortoiseshell leaped off the ledge and padded forward to touch noses with him. Her expression gave no hints of disappointment, she even looked slightly pleased.
"I promise I'll work hard" He vowed.
"I have no doubts about that"

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