the day I found the new world

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today was a new day and my family had planned to go hiking. We went and grabbed hiking gear that we collected over the years. we got to this  point that  never changed we never knew why it did not changed. There was something new though along the trail.  I decided to go and check it out. I told my family I would meet up with them a bit. So I went on the trail. There wasn't much t first but there was something farther up  it was nothing like I have seen before. I was scared to go there at first but I did .

I fell in a hole and it was very bright but I made it out. I went to go and tell my parents about it but they weren't there but it was like I left them, It was like i was in a new place or something. I was very scared at first but I decided to keep going on and exploring. I recognized this place, it was a old setting. It had all the things we collected and more. Eventually I came to the conclusion that there was more than one little world like mine.

present day: ok so now i'm in the actual world and i haven't figured that out yet

back to the past: it has been a few days now and i can't seem to find a way back to my home world but i won't ever stop looking

5 days later: it has been a couple days and I have given up looking but I have made some friends. They all think I'm crazy with my " make believe sorry" but I try to tell them that my stories about my home aren't fake. they never believed me but as i got to no them better they started to answer my crazy questions about this little world, but there anser where so wherard to me i started to think they were crazy

2 weeks later: it has been a couple of weeks now and I have a lot of answers, some of which I don't want to believe. I hope that my family isn't too worried about me but every once and awhile I still try and look for a way back so they can come and enjoy the new world but I can't seem to find how to find them. I learned some new words but I prefer not to say them because they are referenced as bad words. I still say them when I'm alone though I don't tell anyone. i also learned about a thing called a mirror you can see your reflection in it and everything they are really cool but there is a legend about this one mirror that which put a spell on and trapped a family in it them took the mirror with her everywhere she went until one day the witch dyed and the mirror got lost and they still can't find it.

present day: if you haven't figured it out yet that creepy mirror that the witch put a spell on is the one i was in but then i found a way out.

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