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I arrived at the supreme court for my first day of work, nervously glancing at John Roberts, as he sat prestigiously overlooking the rest of the judicial branch. He sat tall and proud, holding his head high, fiddling with his thumbs, his eyes clouded with thought. his eyes skimmed over a case on his big desk since he was a chief justice and i admired him for that. i sat down. excluding john and i, there were seven other judges. we together were the highest court in the nation. John Roberts slammed his gavel repeatedly on the desk, the desk shaking slightly slightly with each BANG BANG BANG

"Hello, my fellow judges. I welcome y/n to our court. As you all know, we need to interpret federal laws. Today we have a criminal case to hear that is quite different." John Roberts said in his low voice.

"Why is it different?" asked Clarence Thomas bravely.

"Because..." John Roberts replied as he smacked his gavel repeatedly on the desk. "The plaintiff is a representative and the defendant is a senator."

"Preposterous!" Shouted Neil Gorsuch.

And suddenly cars could be heard bumping up the cement steps to the court building and they smashed straight through the door. You leapt out of the chair right as the senator car stopped. The senator leapt out, his Australian laugh echoing. The Representative's car stopped on the other side of the room. She stormed out, face tight with anger.

"JOHN ROBERTS! I chased this criminal down, he keeps busting into buildings with his car."

"HAHAHA! Imagine having a 2 year term and being worse at driving than me."

"I'm not worse! I'm just a lawful citizen."

The representative was visibly sweating, the senator had zeroed in on one of her deepest, darkest insecurities: her two year term. She turns to you.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around D.C. Are you the new justice Joe appointed? Lucky. Lifetime term. Ha." Her voice was icy cold and a lump formed in your throat. This was not how you imagined your first day to go.

"I'm- I'm y/n..."

"Ha! Hello y/n. It's a shame judges can be impeached, isn't it?"

"Excuse me miss." John Roberts thankfully intervened. "May we get on with this case."

"Certainly." The representative replied chipperly. "I accuse Senator Carl Panks of breaking and entering into a government building with his government car."

Carl Panks laughed in australian, "And I accuse Representative Laura Pint of speeding and breaking and entering into a government building with her government assigned vehicle."

Laura laughed maniacally. "I have 435 representatives to back me up that that claim is utterly false.

Carl smiled "Haha I guess thats true but we both broke the law do you want to settle us both breaking the law with an illegal car race and the driver who loses goes to jail?"

You found yourself and eight other justices, shivering in the cold october sunlight. This wasn't how you expected your first day on the job to go. Carl and Laura's cars were lined up down the block, shimmering in the light. Carl looked directly to me, his Australian eyes winking slowly. The light lit up his pupils.

Then he hopped into the car, the wheels slowly rotating down the pebbly road. The dark, cool pebbles rotated around the rubber of the wheels.

"Hey." he skidded to a stop, a dark outline of the hot wheels burned into the ground. The representative skidded to a stop behind him. Not a good sign, she would have to use all her speed in order to win this illegal race. John roberts growled under his breath. Carl tossed a red flag out of his slightly rolled down window, his australian lips smiling.

"Hey y/n" He called, window slightly open. "Do you want to judge our illegal race? it's your job after all ;)"

"No." said Laura

"I have more power than you because I am a senator so shut up." his button up shirt shined bluely

"I'm not sure about that but ok."

You stood in between the two cars, red flag rippling in the harsh wind. The two congress people sat in their cars, fingers tensely gripping the steering wheel. You turn over your shoulder to the sidewalk in front of the judicial branch building with a newly broken. John roberts sat visibly shivering on the sidewalk and met your eyes. He sent a silent message to your mind,

'You are the only hope to repair the bridge between senate supreme court and house of representatives. Let them both win. Make it fair."

You took a deep breath and turned back to the racers. You summoned strength from inside of you and watched a leaf float through the wind to the ground. Unlike that leaf, you were rising. You would rise. Here was just the beginning.

"COME ON LETS GO RACE 3 2 1- GO!" you shouted, your voice shaking with passion. The cars blasted into action, skidding on the pebbles of the road. You shook as the cars turned the corner and disappeared around the corner. You took a deep breath and prepared for the cars to appear again around the corner, yelling and fighting.

Way too soon, a car appeared around the corner. You caught your breath. It was the Joe car. You stumbled and backed up as he rolled to a stop smoothly.

"Hey judges how're you all doin on this funky day I recently saw some cars broke through my front door do yall know those haps?"

Racecars zipped around the corner and stopped immediately. The Joe car. Joe turned around, sensing trouble and whistled. Figures leapt out of the back seat of the Joe car and sprinted to the race cars. It was almost like he was sending troops into battle against these racecars.


You sit, breathing deeply next to john roberts in the middle of a trial. Carl and Laura sit front row, with handcuffs and heads hung. John Roberts turned to you smiling slyly and said "Those cars were really good at accelerating."

You retort, "Well we are really good at judiciating."

He chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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