Chapter Two

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Oh will blood run down the face

Of a boy bewildered and scorned

And you'll find yourself in a skirmish

And you wish you'd never been born

Uma frowned, her eyebrow turned up in annoyance. The stupid was still screaming and crying, complaining about his handcuffs, sobbing about the bloodloss.

"Can I just suck him dry? I want 'im to SHUT UP." she turned from the passenger's seat of the car to scream the last words in the human's face. He flinched against the vynl seat and Uma smirked before turning back to Victor, the driver. And her husband of 82 years.

"Dear, I want him gone as much as you...but we can't afford it. The Os are becoming so hard to find, and we need to use their blood wisely."

Always the voice of reason. God, Uma hated that. Angrily, she slumped against the seat, pulling at her flapper dress. She loved it just as she had back in the 20s, but it could be uncomfortable in long car rides like this one. She knew he was right, though. O bloody types were the universal donors, but they could only recieve O blood. The ABs had all but sucked the Os dry. They were so rare. For an O vampire like Uma, it was a miracle she'd managed to last this long.

"Can I at least feed on him now? I haven't eaten all day...I promise not to kill him.

"Alright. Have fun." Victor smiled, reaching over the console to hold her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it softly. Uma smiled and scrambled into the back to seat, the boy squriming away, whimpering and sobbing. Uma growled and grabbed a bandana from the suitcase she'd placed in the back. She quickly wrapped it around his mouth, tying it tight. 'That'll get him to shut up' she thought with a smirk. In less than a second, she pounced on top of him, her lips surveying his neck to find the best fain to penetrate. She sniffed and licked for a few moments, causing a rather sickening moan from the boy, before finding what she was looking for. Swiftly, the 115 year old extended her stereotpyical fangs and pressed against his skin. He let out a sob, but it was made less aggrivating by the bandana...and the blood that began to seep out of his neck. Viciously, Uma clenched his shoulders in her hands and began to suck on his neck, the blood coming out like a river, sweet on her tongue. She moanded in pleasure, closing her eyes and drinking him like he was her very own sippy cup. Which in a way, she supposed, he was. He would be enslaved with them until he eventually held no more blood for Uma. If she was lucky, that would be a while, but he'd start to get naucious, probably dirty up the car. She wasn't one to look into future problems, though. She lived (if you could say she lived) for the present.

After a while, she wasn't sure how long, she felt the car jerk to halt and heard Victor screaming at her. "UMA! UMA THAT IS ENOUGH!" but she didn't listen. That is, not until she felt a cold hard slap against her face. She flinched, roughly pulling away from the boy, accidently taking some skin with her and leaving him passed out by the window, blood trickling down his neck. She could have gone on for so much longer...God, was she hungry.

Uma wiped her mouth and smiled weakly at her husband. "Apologies, love...he was delicious. Not nearly as good as Ophelia, but still quite delectiable. Would you like some, deary?" she tried smiling, but her fanged mouth twitched at the mention of Ophelia. Humans were neuscance, annoying, and only used for a food source...but Ophelia was sweet. Resistant, mind you, but delicious. If it hadn't been for Ophelia, Uma would have starved to death long ago. She owed her life to that human, but Victor refused to accept that.

"No. I can find an A in the next city, they're not as rare as Os, and I told you. We need to keep him for you."

"Tell me, dear..." Uma paused a moment. She always brought about a happy-go-lucky and dopey demeanor, but beneath the percieved childlike stupidity, her mind spun with observations and questions, and she wasn't quite sure which question was most pressing in her mind. So she settled with one that she supposed would give her a pleasent answer. "Why in the world would a high up AB like you choose a lowly and difficult O like me?" She asked, crawling from the back seat to sit across his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with her lips that still dripped with blood. He kissed back viciously and she could tell he was trying to grasp at the excess of blood in her mouth. She chuckled but pulled away, resting her face on his chest. "Answer me, my sweet." she murmered.

 "Because," he had started running his fingers through her hair, which slightly annoyed her even though she chose not to say anything. "I loved you. Your vivacious spirit, your hidden intellect, and..." the pause was just a smidge too long, and it made Uma uncomfortable, or maybe that wasn't what she feeling...was this...uncertainty? "Because, my fragile little vampire, I wanted to travel the world with you." 

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