Romeo and Juliet

650 21 4

For @chantreux
Hi, I've seen your post and I just knew that I had to do it. I'm probably going to cry while writing it but it has to be done.
*side note*
I can see everyone who posts on the board and who comments. But I am unable to respond back to you guys due to an error that's happening with Wattpad. So don't worry, I can see all.

" No, no, no," Yeongro said shakily as she pressed her brother's scarf against his gun shot wound. She could barely see through the tears, but she knew that he was looking at her. Pressing against his stomach to stop the bleeding, she flinches when he puts his hand on hers, pulling her attention to his face, where he was smiling softly at her, face covered in blood, eyes slightly glazed over due to the blood loss. She shook her head, turning back to the scarf, where she could see that her hands were trembling. Suddenly his hand was on her cheek, guiding her eyes back to his.

" It's ok. It's ok" he said, voice straining as he tried keeping his eyes open, as he tried to stay awake for her. Knowing that this could be the last time she saw him, she launched forward and kissed him, pouring every ounce of love for him that she had into it. He kissed back with the little energy that he had left, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. The stomping of boots startled her and she went to pull back, but he held onto her. Opening her eyes, she was that he was already looking at her, " It'll be ok," he whispered as the footsteps got closer.

Her lip quivered as tears fell, from both her eyes and his. She smiled shakily shaking her head, " It's not going to be ok. But," she raised her hand and caressed his cheek, " We'll have each other." The door flying open had her grabbing tightly at him, fear and acceptance taking over her body as turned around to shield him. The sight of multiple guns pointing at them, had her heart dropping into her stomach. " Why are you doing this!?!?" She screamed, feeling Sooho reach for his fallen gun, hidden from the ANSP team. The leader stepped forward, gun aimed at them, " Step aside, little girl."

She shook her head at him. Peace and acceptance suddenly washed over her. She knew this was the end for them, these agents would kill them both if it meant that the world wouldn't find out about the evils of the ANSP. Sooho suddenly darted forward with his gun, not shooting but aiming as he tried to shield her as much as he could. Their guns quickly pointed at him and she screamed at this, trying to drag him back, but he stayed planted in front of her. She saw him turn his head to look and look at her. He stared at her for a moment, then smiled.

Not caring for the guns aimed their way, she grabbed at him and kissed him, pulling back and hugging him as tight as she could, " I love you, so so much" she whispered as he turned his head, kissing her cheek. " I love you more," he whispered back. Turning back, he saw the guns aimed and ready, the leader with his hand up as if to signal when to fire. Without thinking, Sooho turned and shielded her just as they opened fire.

Instantly, he heard the 'pops' as the bullets left their chambers and he felt the stabbing, agonizing pain of them entering his body. He heard her screaming his name, telling them to stop, but it seemed like they wanted to make sure, that he died. Unseen by Sooho, the leader brings up his hand, signaling them to hold fire and they stopped, seemingly satisfied with the trauma and the heartbreak that they've created.

Yeongro continued screaming as she watched Sooho's body fall, darting forward to catch him, holding him as she became hysterical. The agents watched her as she held the spy against her chest, rocking back and forth and sobbing and shrieking in despair. She brought his face closer  to hers, caressing his face gently, as to not hurt him any further than he was. And shockingly, he was still alive, barely. His breathing was shallow,  blood coming out of his mouth, and his eyes were looking past her.

" Hey. Hey, Sooho, baby? Hey, look at me," her lips quivered as she spoke, tears pouring continuously as she tried to get his attention. At the sound of her voice, he slowly looked at her. His eyes moved around her face, mapping it out, like he was trying to map it out, and keep it with him as he went. Making eye contact with him, she nodded as she leaned down to kiss his forehead, " I love you, Superman. It's ok, we'll meet again. We'll meet again, so it's ok, it's ok. You can let go." Her voice broke as she spoke, her voice soothing him as she stroked at his forehead. He stared at her and nodded slowly, a few tears escaping his eyes as he began to accept his fate.

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