6 years

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It has been 6 years since you died. 6 miserable years of all the directioners becoming depressed and no more 1D. 6 years since ive said i love you... The house has seemed so cold since he passed, the house isnt filled with him adorable laughs at all the little things. I never noticed how much of an impact he had on me till he was gone. I havent moved any of his stuff because im still hoping one day he will walk through the front door and tell me how is day at work is and what he wants for dinner. Stupid i know but i cant seem to let go. The barbeque which we used almost everyday in the summer when he was still here hasnt been touched since then. It reminds me off the first time he told me he loved me and that pain is to much to handle. niall imagine part 1
Niall had invited me and a few of his friends over for a bbq and a bonfire. i was wearing a floaty floral summer dress and it looked like niall couldnt take his eyes off me. This was our 3 month anniversary and he said he wanted to tell me something a little later.

When everyone had gone he put the barbeque on for heat and put a picnic blanket down next to it and reached for my hand and guided me onto the blanket. He lay down so i lay down and put my head on his shoulder and he started whispering sweet things in my ears whilst stroking my hair but one of the things he whispers really stood out, "i love you Casey" . I turned my head to face him and slowly brought my lips to his and whispered " i love you too ni" *end of flashback*

I quickly turned my head away from the bbq and gripped onto the kitchen counter to balance my self whilst my body let all of the tears ive been holding in for all these years for our little girl libby .
this story is getting pretty sad...

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