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Victoria walked around the bar sweeping broken glass into a a dust pan. She had already straightened up all the tables and chairs, and still needed to mop the spilled alcohol. She listened to the news playing on the small TV in the corner of the bar, talking about the Saints, as usual. Rocco and two of the other patrons were sitting up at the bar, one of them pressing a cold pack up to his head. Connor was speaking with Doc quietly in a corner, whilst Murphy helped sweep up glass. She had barely spoken to them since watching them kick the semi-unconscious men outside of the bar and locking the door behind them. She supposed she was just in shock from what had happened.

Murphy watched her carefully from a few feet away, the cut on his cheek stinging slightly. "Are ye okay, love?" Murphy asked gently.

Victoria nodded, giving him a smile. "Yeah. Are you?"

He nodded, looking tired. "I'm good. I'm sorry ye had to see all that."

"Did you know them?" She asked, still confused why any of it even happened.

He hesitated, and then shook his head. "Nah."

Victoria could tell he was holding something back, but she decided not to ask. She didn't feel like it was her business.

"Victoria, ye head home." Doc called out, now back behind the bar. "It's very late. Boys, I want ye to go with her." He instructed the twins.

Connor and Murphy lived in the same building as Victoria did, in the apartment directly below. It wasn't unusual for them to walk her home after she had finished a shift.

"O' course." Murphy replied, walking over to the front door, grabbing his jacket, and putting it on.

"Are you sure, Doc?" Victoria asked, dumping the pieces of glass into the bin.

He nodded. "Absolutely. I'll finish up here."

She untied her apron and set it on the counter. "If you're sure. Don't be too much longer."

Connor clapped his hand on Doc's shoulder. "Sorry again, gramps."

"Don't be." Doc said. "Now ye three get home safe."

Connor and Victoria walked to the door where Murphy stood holding her coat up for her. She slipped her arms in and pulled it around herself tightly, anticipating the cold outside. Connor opened the door and held it open. Victoria stepped outside into the night, the cold wind nearly blowing her over. He and Murphy followed her out, wrapping their jackets around themselves to be shielded from the cold.

"Jesus." Connor said, shutting the door to the pub behind him. "It's freezin'."

The three of them began walking up the road towards their building. It was dark, but the roads were lit up by street lamps, and the headlights of cars driving by.

"Are you sure you two are okay?" Victoria asked, walking in between them.

"Never better, love." Connor said, looking down at her and grinning. "Wasn't happy when I saw that glass smash behind ye, though."

"Aye, didn't see who threw it, unfortunately." Murphy added, his hands deep in his jacket pockets for warmth.

"Well, I came out unscathed." She giggled. "You guys can't really say the same."

They both let out nearly identical laughs. "This is nothing." Connor said, touching the cut on his forehead.

A few minutes later, they had made it to their building. They quickly pushed the doors open to get inside and out of the cold. The building was old and uninviting, but it was home. They stepped into the elevator and began the journey up.

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