"President Inagural "

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No One's POV
President of Chicago was getting up rather than early with a lot on his mind giving that he had a huge speech to make at his inaugural . As a single , never married president he sure had a lot by his side . He began to call out for his maid .
"Lauren has my secretary arrived yet I had to fire my last one last year , this new one seemed alright ", Terrence says . "Yes sir she's waiting for you in the office , I have your suit steamed and ready for tonight's event , I have your day clothes ironed as well and your shower is ready sir ", Lauren says . "Thank you Lauren , I don't know what I would do without you , I'd be all over the place ", Terrence says . "Sir you must go and get  ready , you have tons of papers to sign and you Vice President will be here shortly ", Lauren says .
After Lauren leaves the room , Terrence heads on into the shower to get his day started . He then heads to his office , leans on his desk as back support , empty office wondering where his secretary was . "Ms.Henson , can come in here ", Terrence says as he speaks into his intercom .

(Taraji's Outfit ) "Good morning President Howard , Here's your Coffee light and sweet just how you like it ", Taraji says as she places his mug down

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(Taraji's Outfit )
"Good morning President Howard , Here's your Coffee light and sweet just how you like it ", Taraji says as she places his mug down . "Did you organize my papers this morning ", Terrence says . "Yes sir , everything is done I got a head start at 6 am ", Taraji says . "When will my vp be here ", Terrence says . "He should be here shortly sir ", Taraji says .
Shortly after Lauren knocks on the office door and opens it . "Sir , Morris is here ", Lauren says . "Okay take his belongings and lead him to the office ", Terrence says . "President Howard's should I leave the office or stay ", Taraji says . "No , you shall stay go sit down please I don't want you standing on heels all day I know you feet will hurt later on ", Terrence says . "Yes sir ", Taraji says as she sits down in a near by chair . Just than Morris walks in
"Morning Terrence , you said you wanted to see me ", Morris says. "Yeah I wanted to go over the details with you about the event later , Taraji please go over the details ", Terrence says . "Yes sir , Taraji says as she grabs the iPad that was sitting on his desk . "Make sure the seating charts are well put together too ", Terrence says . "Yes sir , umm today you had your meeting with Morris , lunch at 12 , speech at 5 and the event starts at 7 , and I already had the maid  steam and iron your suit , I picked out your gold cufflinks that you like , and you asked what dress I'm going to where I'm not so sure " , Taraji says as she looks away . "I told you my secretary must match me what color is my suit ", Terrence says . "It's Black sir ", Taraji says . "So I want to see you in a black gown understood ? ", Terrence says . "Yes sir , is there anything else you need I need to head back into my office and finishing filing your work sir and going over your speech notes ", Taraji says . "No Ms.Henson you may leave ", Terrence says . "Yes sir ", Taraji says as she exits .
"She's bad as hell Terrence why you ain't jump on that ", Morris says . "You know I ain't into the whole messing with workers ", Terrence says. "Well shit can I have her ", Morris says . "Man go ahead she shy as hell so good luck ", Terrence says . "Well shit she got a body on her , that ass is amazing , the things I do to her ", Morris said licking his lips . "Chill out mayne , respect my secretary ", Terrence says sternly . "Alright boss man you got it ", Morris says . "Good , now so the event tonight you staying the whole event or you bouncing with the fast ass girls like you always do ", Terrence says chucking . "Nah man the press is gonna be here that's gonna look bad on my end as your vp so I'll be here til the end ", Morris says . "Alright noted , make sure you here on time for my speech brother ", Terrence says . "I will man don't worry ", Morris says . "Hopefully my secretary has my papers filed right ", Terrence says . "Your secretary is fine ass hell I'm sorry man but damn , I might shoot my shot tonight ", Morris says . "Good luck man , she rarely talks anyone ", Terrence says . "I'll get her to talk , she can't resist me ", Morris says popping his imaginary collar . "Mhmm alright man I'll see you later ", Terrence says as he stands up to shake Morris hand . "Alright man be prepared for that speech ", Morris says standing up and shaking Terrence hand . "I will man , be on time tho ", Terrence says . "I will ", Morris says as he exits the office .
No ones POV
As Terrence was getting ready for his event he couldn't seem to get his bow tied right , no matter how much he tried it still loosened .
"Shit I can't fucking tie this shit ", Terrence says as he throws the bow on his bed . Just then her hears a knock on his door . "Yes who is it ", Terrence says . "It's me sir , the car just arrived , are you ready sir ", Taraji says outside the door . "Yes come in ", Terrence says . Taraji comes in and opens the door and closes it behind her . "Wait where's your bow tie sir ", Taraji says as she lays her eyes on him . "I can't get it to tie , it keeps on unloosening ", Terrence says as he groans . Taraji giggles a little at his actions . "So your gonna giggle or help me ", Terrence says . "I don't think I heard you say please Mr.Howard ", Taraji says . "Please Ms.Henson can you tie this bow on me ", Terrence says as he rolls his eyes playfully . "I will be delighted to sir ", Taraji says sarcastically

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