Fear of rejection

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Charlotte sighs while watching Yami leaving, and with that, another chance she lost. Captains meetings are the only occasions she gets to be near him.

It's been two months since the last meeting and in that time she has walked through the city, near taverns, in hope of seeing him and pretending a casual encounter but that was not her luck.

She couldn't just appear near his base and said it was accidental or a coincidence because only Yami has to have a base set in the middle of nowhere, ugh that man, nothing is easy with him.

Well, she can't actually blame him, she is the one who makes the situations awkward.

Since the dinner where he asked about her curse, she has been thinking about everything with him.

From the first hello to the last interaction they had, just to know, how far things between them had gone south, for him to think that she hates him.

And...she can't blame him, even when her girls tell her, 'he's an oblivious man, you are doing your best but he doesn't see it'.

She knows they want to help her and give her support but even she can tell things are not right between her and Yami. And of course, she is the reason for it, why can't she be honest? why is so hard for her to tell him her feelings? and the worst is... she treats him terrible

'probably one of the reasons why he thinks I hate him ugh', why can she at least treat him nice? that...that would be a great step.

She starts walking around the center of the city, Sol always waits for her around there, and... she is not in her usual spot. The blonde keeps walking around until arrives at a children's playground.

Some little boys are playing around and on the other side of the playground, a group of little girls talking, more like whispering something.

Suddenly one of the little girls walks out of the group, a redhead with cute pigtails, wearing a lovely yellow dress, looking so nervous, even her face is red like her hair.

She walks in the direction where the boys are playing until she stands next to a black-hair boy, the boy looks at her curiously, he clearly knows her, even calls her by her name asking her if she needed something.

Charlotte gets a little closer, trying to pretend that she was just walking around

"so...do you need anything Eva?" the boy asked again confused

"V-Victor...I don't need anything...just...me and you..." the little girl said stuttering

"what is it? why are you weird? are you ok? your face is the color of your hair" the boy said getting a little closer looking at her curiously

"I LIKE YOU VICTOR" yelled the redhead closing her eyes tightly

it was like the whole playground stopped in time, everyone near froze, Charlotte heard the enthusiastic gasps of the other girls and she couldn't believe that a little girl had more courage than her, a magic knight captain, no wait, yes, she can believe that.

the boy's cheeks got even redder than the girl's hair

"s-sorry, I don't" said the boy awkwardly scratching his cheek, turning around, and walking away

The little girl was shaking, her hands grabbing the ends of her dress twisting it, and tears roll down her cheeks

Charlotte didn't know what to do, she just stands there watching the worst outcome of a confession. She was about to say something and rapidly the group of little girls surround the red hair girl, saying things, comforting her

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