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The year 2024

I look at the knife in my hand
Then I looked at my wrist, blood slowly spilling from thin cuts,  sing would have been pissed if he saw me like this its been 7 years but Ashes death is still to painful for me, I see black dots in my vision I can hear my heartbeat slowing down little by little
With all the my force I turn my head to my nightstand to see my clock the numbers were red and I could barely read them my eyes felt heavy and everything went dark...wait whats with the noise, n-no did sing find me, but it sounds like a engine a p-plane engine I feel a warm light on me I slowly open my eye to look around my eyes get use to the light then I look down, I was wearing clean clothes and had no bandages on my wrist I felt a hand on my shoulder I look to see who it was, its lbe-san he had a worried look on his face "Ei-chan are you feel okay"
It was like I couldn't find my voice
"Y-yeah, I'm great. I think I just had a bad dream, umm I'm sorry lbe-san but where are we going?" He gave me a worried look."we are going to New York City for a gang interview. "
Gang interview...wait am I back in 2018, but how is that possible? I look at lbe-san
"Oh ok, I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when we are there,"
I said, closing me eyes,what if I made a plan,a plan that could save everyone that died because of me? I could save Skipper from getting shot by Fat ass Marvin
And Ashes brother Griffin
And Shorter too, maybe I can switch the drug with something else I could save Aslan....


As we are in the airport getting our luggage I start thinking of something if I'm back in time does that mean I went through all that pain Again back at home I feel my stomach for the last bruise they gave me before I left with lbe-san then I fel-,"Eiji Let's get going" I look up lbe-san got our luggage I walk up to lbe-san and get my luggage from his hands, "Yeah let's go"


After begging and constantly asking lbe-san to let me go out so I could be "responsible" for once in my life he says yes with stressed look on his face so I go get changed, I look in the mirror to look at the clothes I'm wearing, What the fuck now I'm wondering how in the hell I did not get turn away and pushed out the door, I check my luggage for a different type of clothing lucky for me, I found a gray hoodie and some black ripped jeans with some Converses, as I'm putting on a white shirt I stop the bruises that I was looking for earlier, were a little faded but you could still see them, I quietly and quickly finish changing I put my wallet on the bed and put out cash I have a good amount I put It back in its place
Then I'm out the door what ever God is up there please don't let me fuck this up again.

<>meanwhile some where else<>

*Bang* it hits the cement wall but slightly cuts the face of my back stabbing men "BOSS WERE SORRY WE WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN PLEASE" it was funny how they were begging for forgiveness
"Get out of my sight"
They run away like mice
I turn to my gang
" these are the consequences if you want to be dino's lap dog's right Arthur"
He smirks "Your the boss"
I walk away
So does Arthur.

<><>with Arthur<><>

"Are you sure he's a good shooter he missed a few time"
You Idiot "he did that on purpose to give them a good lesson" the Lynx needs a lesson for what he did to me
"Tell My men to meet up it's time for revenge for what he did to my hand".

𝐒𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now